Thursday, May 4, 2006

Dell Inspiron 1545 Webcam Software

So, here I am again ... With the Internet it is unfortunately a bit difficult, the next internet cafe is 40 min. walk away, so I do not come too often to the Internet (sometimes even crashes the server, where otherwise they would have two days before news of me!)

am So now, now five days in South Africa, and everything in all I've got NEN very positive impression. But first things first:

Saturday I'm sure after a fairly quiet, almost 12 hours of flight Clock to five morning landed in Cape Town. Luckily there was ne huge selection of movies (on nem own touch screen display!) Have but unfortunately only one hour can kip (including back pain), so I am Saturday was pretty flat.

However, I have the same time grabbed my running shoes and I walked around for a while in the park. Is pretty nice here. The garden itself is about 60 ha, but is still aussenrum ne gigantic plant that reaches up into the mountains. From there one has ne great views of Cape Town.
Then I got done and then the first purchases for the first time off to bed. Ne evening, I still made little tour, and then ... off to bed.

On Sunday the market was at Kirstenbosch, and then I got me a bit looked around. Evening, then my fellow student Sebastian from his weekend tour has come home (The degree also makes practical here) and we have even tried the South African wine (highly recommended !!!).

On Monday
was also holiday here and we have made NEN little trip to Cape Town and around Cape Town. We also warn its kind in as Zoo (actually "World of Birds', and there were also monkeys). It did these funny pictures. 've

From Cape Town ich bisher leider nur die "Waterfront" gesehen, da wo alle Shops und Bars sind. Man hat von dort auch ne super Aussicht auf den Tafelberg.
Als wir dann ne Weile rum gelaufen sind, haben wir ein Stueck echte Deutsch-bayrische Kultur entdeckt: Den "Paulanergarten". Da ich aber in Suedafrika, und nicht in Bayern bin, sind wir da nicht rein. Waer ja auch keine Art, in Suedafrika Weizen zu trinken, wos doch hier mit die besten Weine der Welt hat....

So, dann kam der Dienstag, mein erster Arbeitstag. Um halb acht gehts los, meisten wirds dann acht bis wir anfangen, um vier ist schon wieder Schluss. Dazu kommen auch noch eineinhalb Stunden Pause, also alles in allem ganz in Ordnung. Die Arbeit war yet not too varied, containing gaertner sized objects, plantings and so on. The workers here are all very cool, very open and genuinely funny.

I am currently still at Penn Sebastian, Matt, an American volunteer from San Francisco, and Paul, nem South African Students, on the couch. Next week I get but my own house!

Tomorrow is the last working day of the week, then we will go to the weekend. Want to rent cars and NEN look around the Anchorage area. But I'll tell them then ...

So, what have I learned the last few days?
monkeys look funny, Africans drink wheat, thanks in Afrikaans means "tramma Kassi," the Big Mac Menue kostet nur drei Euro und die Arbeiter hier kennen mehr deutsche Fussballspieler als ich.

In diesem Sinne: Tramma kassi fuers zuhoeren. See you...

Ach so, wenn ihr auf die Bilder klickt, werden sie groesser:-)


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