Sunday, June 4, 2006

How To Pull Out The Battery On The Firex

Trip # 2 Trip # 1

So, yesterday after 9 days, 3,400 km driving, and plenty of sunshine returned from our trip around South Africa back! Our trip led us from Cape Town along the coast and finally to the north-east of the country in the capital Pretoria and Johannesburg with plane back to Cape Town.

But first things first:

Last Saturday we went with our black, sports, going from AVIS rented Toyota 'TAZZ' from Cape Town. After a few stops along the coast (including Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa ", where the Indian and Atlantic Ocean,! See photo) was our first stop of Mossel Bay. Besides precious old trees and beautiful beaches gabs post there to see but not very much, the highlight was probably our accommodation, an old railway wagon! Something different ...

Sebastian Besides I have twice defeated in the pool!

was actually our black Toyota at the start, but there are streets that deserve the term 'road' not at all. Only dirt, potholes and Wasserpfuetzen! Accordingly, our car then looked out on the first day already!

The next day, then were the Cango Caves (old Tropfsteinhoehlen) and ne ostrich farm in Oudtshoorn on the program. In the evening we went to the next backpacker to Knysna, has to offer except mini-Ner to Cape Town's Waterfront, a model is not very much. Cape Town's experienced as we could but not very impressive ...

Montags fuhren wir zuerst ins Monkeyland, nem grossen, eingezaeuhnten Wald, wo ganz viele verschiedene Affen wohnen, die frueher mal in Kaefigen lebten, Drehorgel spielten etc. und nun in Freiheit leben duerfen!

Danach fuhren wir dann wohl zum Highlight unserer Tour, in den Tsitsikamma National Park. Wollten dort eigentlich nur einen Tag bleiben, die Landschaft dort hat uns aber so ueberwaeltigt, dass wir nen zweiten Tag anhaengen mussten. Am ersten Tag sind wir zu nem Aussichtspunkt gewandert mit Blick auf eine unglaublich tolle Landschaft. Hier ein paar Eindruecke:

Den Rest unsrer Reise gibts dann morgen, oder uebermorgen... Hab jetzt keine Zeit mehr.

Bis denn...


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