Schuhesalat und Nervendressing Frauen und Schuhe, ein altbekanntes Dreamteam welches Männer auf der ganzen Welt, vornehmlich in den Inudstriestaaten, erfolgreich an den Rand der Verzweiflung bringt.
Mich ebenso, vor allem wenn es gepaart wird mit den Personen "Großeltern" und der Tätigkeit "Klamottenkauf".
Sicherlich keine Weltkatrastrophe vom Ausmaße der Pest und der Weltkriege, aber durchaus ein kleiner psyicher Tsunami für mich. Ich hasse Schuhkauf und ich hasse es Klamotten kaufen zu müssen.
Schwarzes T-Shirt mit einen kaum lesbaren Bandaufdruck, schwarze Jeans und ausgetretene Turnschuhe - das reicht doch und ist bequem.
Aber nein! Die große gelb-schwarze Koalition aus Großmutter und Mutter mit den sich grün ärgernden Anteil Großvater zwingt die unschuldige Bürgerin San zu erhöhten Steuerabgaben an Nervenmaterial.
Aber ich rächte mich fürchterlich für die 25 Minuten Schuh- und Modekauf indem ich ganze 2(!) Stunden in einen Schreibwarengeschäft verbrachte und insgesamt 120 Euro für Maskingfluid, Pinsel, Aquarellfarben von Farber Castel und ein paar anderen Künstlermarken (ich kaufe die Farben nicht im praktischen 24er Kasten sondern speziell das was ich benötige, also ALLES einzeln), 300g/m² Aquarellpapier von Hahnemühle und Copic Marker ausgab - genauso viel wie für ein paar Schuhe und zwei dieser neumodischen Longleves die über eine Leggins oder Strumpfhose getragen werden.
Ja, Schreibwaren sind my shoes and handbags and there are none of the identified me and it upset, but my hobby is just my life and with the 120 € I will certainly bring something to a position which is worth at least to me, more than 120 € - and a larger benefit to me as one, to be drawn twice and then end up in old clothes - I even throw away the bescheuerste sketch do not have socks.
What was strange too, has noticed that I was a stupid kid, I'm fast food. Food must for me just once taste so good that I can choke down enough to be satisfied, then the benefit done and peace to the stomach. Everything else I just get very, very very rare treat - thanks to tight budgets had (where the money goes or I already wrote).
all ... we went, that is the grand coalition, the Greens and I now sometimes schnickifein food - the mall (a contradiction in terms).
designer furniture, soft music and Vivaldi, friendly service! I could not handle it and found it horribly ete-Petete,'m just still a Imbisbudenjunkey - once fried noodles with sprayed Tiefkühlgemüße, cheap oil, and meat imitation Gewürztmischung please.
But something was there, so I ordered - I was intimidated - a salad with turkey breast, the rest of the French description I could not understand.
No, well that was a lie, my mother ordered this salad, I pushed just a "Same as it" out and hoped for a typical prepared salad from the freezer with standard dressing like the one at MC Donalds.
was mistaken And I ... The turkey breast turned out to be 300g piece of meat, firm flesh, not imitation. Was cooked and seasoned and tasted ... heavenly? In any case, bombastic, the herbs I could not even name all. The Dressign well, anything but standard.
So I chewed my 45 times on the turkey breast and wondered how it did in the restaurant. According to my fiance (who is cooking) everything is somehow prepared, usually even as a finished product purchased formally standardized, with flavors plugged - which is why the food in most restaurants not only looks the same, but also the same (good / bad) taste. Such standardization
businesslike but I was not in a salad. I knew they were there but they were so well hidden that it almost tasted the same again. Rarely leaves (or rabbit feed) was so delicious - and so satisfying.
And also the most time-consuming piles of leaves which I have ever been waiting for - to rake in the garden itself is time consuming - I waited 35 minutes on my whole mountain of salad.
Nevertheless, I keep asking myself how something like this nutrient-free, and nothing like tasting Salad (made up to 96% water, the remaining 4%, the majority of cellulose is not digested, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not just their name - it is not even detectable traces) could be so popular.
should Since some salad, green party, perhaps pluck a leaf ... including the dressing ...