The parliamentary elections appear to be promising entertaining. Not only that, it is important to choose a new government, many are worried whether enough ever going to choose ("Imagine there is an election and nobody goes out ..."), ... if people actually know whom they choose with what consequences (the election-o-mat helps!) ...
I personally almost always "itching op" - as the Cologne, so I'm mostly absentee voting. In this respect I could not even answer truthfully, as the local polling booths look at the school around the corner .... yet (!) I always give good cast my vote.
What's going but this time, just so people will rush to the polling stations is incredible:
I just want to shutdown the computer has, via Twitter, the estimated Kollege Siebers nochmals auf den bereits im "Bielefeld -Blog" angekündigten Flashmob hin:
Die Wähler einer bestimmten Partei werden darin aufgerufen
(Zitat in Kursiv) " Jeder ...nimmt am 27.09.2009 alle ihm bekannten Personen an die Hand, die auch in seinem Wahlbezirk wohnen und erscheint um Punkt 13.00 Uhr in seinem Wahllokal. Es wird dazu führen, dass an diesem Tag die Wahllokale wenigstens einmal voll sein werden."
The moment coasts already a the next invitation by mail to the flash mob, but not only related to Bielefeld (yep, seems to give it real!), But even in Germany:
(quote in italics) "... refers on 27/09/2009 The nationwide Flashmob xxxxxx instead." A flash mob is a seemingly spontaneous, lightning-like formation of a mob (mob). This creative form of action allows us in a short time and with little effort to create a very strong public image, because "This election is not care!" . "
looked in my spam folder: I won another one, even for next weekend (12.09.2009). I think yes, that one is more likely want to do something like ne-election Flashmob dress rehearsal - to make sure that the addressees are still breathing or hold the stylus for crosses's still can?
One thing is always the same: Other movement / party / community - either demographically or job-related, but different subject .... all should ".. am to ... because and there appear to "hold hands to call ...* * kuckkuck ... enter the ballot box ..." then .... ...ja was weiß ich denn!
Jetzt bereue ich es irgendwie, dass ich überzeugter Briefwähler bin,...aber falls ich doch wieder Erwarten daheim sein sollte,...und wenn das Wetter schön ist...DANN setz ich mich mit ner Thermoskanne Kaffee und nem Klappstühlchen mal vor mein Wahllokal und werde beobachten, wie stündlich verabredete Wahlgruppen "flashen".
Ist eigentlich sowas wie Kaffeefahrtbashing: Als Oma mitm UWG bewaffnet bei Käffchen und Kuchen die Deckenverkäufer ärgern - nur halt ohne Oma und ohne Gesetz...Gucken will be fun. .. "Trainspotting" is out - "voter Flashmob-spotting" is in! ... And just sit and watch, whether the spiritual from the respire Merian Thumper "Violet" the polls, whether coming from the "ödp" really in the self-cleaning sweaters.
I just wish the election would then be able to still Flashmobber ne showpiece, THAT would be cool! Not just holding hands ... something more here: Flashmob in Stockholm
I would then stop by sometimes in person! The main thing, the polls are full - I am also something of "hard for it "!
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