Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brampton Job Application

Schuhesalat und Nervendressing

Frauen und Schuhe, ein altbekanntes Dreamteam welches Männer auf der ganzen Welt, vornehmlich in den Inudstriestaaten, erfolgreich an den Rand der Verzweiflung bringt.
Mich ebenso, vor allem wenn es gepaart wird mit den Personen "Großeltern" und der Tätigkeit "Klamottenkauf".
Sicherlich keine Weltkatrastrophe vom Ausmaße der Pest und der Weltkriege, aber durchaus ein kleiner psyicher Tsunami für mich. Ich hasse Schuhkauf und ich hasse es Klamotten kaufen zu müssen.
Schwarzes T-Shirt mit einen kaum lesbaren Bandaufdruck, schwarze Jeans und ausgetretene Turnschuhe - das reicht doch und ist bequem.
Aber nein! Die große gelb-schwarze Koalition aus Großmutter und Mutter mit den sich grün ärgernden Anteil Großvater zwingt die unschuldige Bürgerin San zu erhöhten Steuerabgaben an Nervenmaterial.
Aber ich rächte mich fürchterlich für die 25 Minuten Schuh- und Modekauf indem ich ganze 2(!) Stunden in einen Schreibwarengeschäft verbrachte und insgesamt 120 Euro für Maskingfluid, Pinsel, Aquarellfarben von Farber Castel und ein paar anderen Künstlermarken (ich kaufe die Farben nicht im praktischen 24er Kasten sondern speziell das was ich benötige, also ALLES einzeln), 300g/m² Aquarellpapier von Hahnemühle und Copic Marker ausgab - genauso viel wie für ein paar Schuhe und zwei dieser neumodischen Longleves die über eine Leggins oder Strumpfhose getragen werden.
Ja, Schreibwaren sind my shoes and handbags and there are none of the identified me and it upset, but my hobby is just my life and with the 120 € I will certainly bring something to a position which is worth at least to me, more than 120 € - and a larger benefit to me as one, to be drawn twice and then end up in old clothes - I even throw away the bescheuerste sketch do not have socks.

What was strange too, has noticed that I was a stupid kid, I'm fast food. Food must for me just once taste so good that I can choke down enough to be satisfied, then the benefit done and peace to the stomach. Everything else I just get very, very very rare treat - thanks to tight budgets had (where the money goes or I already wrote).
all ... we went, that is the grand coalition, the Greens and I now sometimes schnickifein food - the mall (a contradiction in terms).
designer furniture, soft music and Vivaldi, friendly service! I could not handle it and found it horribly ete-Petete,'m just still a Imbisbudenjunkey - once fried noodles with sprayed Tiefkühlgemüße, cheap oil, and meat imitation Gewürztmischung please.
But something was there, so I ordered - I was intimidated - a salad with turkey breast, the rest of the French description I could not understand.
No, well that was a lie, my mother ordered this salad, I pushed just a "Same as it" out and hoped for a typical prepared salad from the freezer with standard dressing like the one at MC Donalds.
was mistaken And I ... The turkey breast turned out to be 300g piece of meat, firm flesh, not imitation. Was cooked and seasoned and tasted ... heavenly? In any case, bombastic, the herbs I could not even name all. The Dressign well, anything but standard.
So I chewed my 45 times on the turkey breast and wondered how it did in the restaurant. According to my fiance (who is cooking) everything is somehow prepared, usually even as a finished product purchased formally standardized, with flavors plugged - which is why the food in most restaurants not only looks the same, but also the same (good / bad) taste. Such standardization
businesslike but I was not in a salad. I knew they were there but they were so well hidden that it almost tasted the same again. Rarely leaves (or rabbit feed) was so delicious - and so satisfying.
And also the most time-consuming piles of leaves which I have ever been waiting for - to rake in the garden itself is time consuming - I waited 35 minutes on my whole mountain of salad.

Nevertheless, I keep asking myself how something like this nutrient-free, and nothing like tasting Salad (made up to 96% water, the remaining 4%, the majority of cellulose is not digested, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not just their name - it is not even detectable traces) could be so popular.

should Since some salad, green party, perhaps pluck a leaf ... including the dressing ...

Monday, September 21, 2009

M-16 Like Rifle Without Handle


Because one else has to do nothing at the time.

Mithlin Dúlinn
mother of Sanguisa Rabe wife of rocker
Séreghû Aeglos. See

Tired All The Time And Peeing Lot

Blog? Blog!

is nothing without Internet, at least today. The wurde mir schmerzlichst bewusst als ich vor ein paar Stunden im Supermark vor dem Zeitschriftenregal stand, auf 25 verschiedene Klatschzeitschriften 5 oder 7 verschiedene Ausgaben der P.M., ein duzend Musikzeitschriften davon 4 über Rock und Metal, diverse Westlingzeitschriften, an die 10 verschiedenen Bravos mit den verschiedensten Titel aber immer den selben Thema (ähnlich wie bei den Klatschmist, nur waren da sogar die Fotos die selben, nur die Farbe der Kleidung war unterschiedlich editiert) schaute und nicht fand was ich suchte.
Es gab alles, jeden Scheiß, aber keine White Dwarf.
Gut ich hätte es wissen müssen, hier auf den land mitten im Thüringer Wald gibt es keine Zivilisation, das hätte für mich auf der Hand liegen sollen, schließlich bin ich hier groß geworden und habe 18 meiner 20 Jahre hier im Urwald verbracht. Trotzdem, erschreckend.
Ein Zeitschriftenregal fast so groß wie das im Kaufland in meiner neuen Wohnstadt aber KEINE White Dwarf. Für mich der Weltutnergang, mir ist hier praktisch der geistige Nährstoff entzogen.
Gut ich wusste, eine Woche Elternhaus wird langweilig, deswegen kaufte ich mir extra zwei dicke Bücher bevor ich hierher tuckerte, mit dem Zug, das erste Buch hatte ich schon auf der 4 stündigen Hinreise durchgelesen (800 Seiten). Das Zweite gestern. Nun brauche ich etwas zu lesen, eine White Dwarf schien mir da nur billig, ist eh my hobby and who from this month I had not.
But see how I could have changed anything here. Each dandelion the region has its own tabloid, but it was just as well. Everything else necessary to order here, subscribe to, let fly from civilization in the Stone Age. Well, that one has to declare it no longer, at least, at least in Germany, here you get only the value added tax.
short, I was on dry land. Animania was also a scene or manga I can not muster, not even in a "book Handl Lung" ("A Song of Ice and Fire" had not ...).
I notice especially how inexpensive an MMO is. Or how It cost gestalltet my spare time I would spend as much time to read as I do currently with the gamble (the argument I had to listen to me today ... "Zock not so much les but a good book!") I would have to spend a week at the 50 € and more for books (and in my apartment would be the stuff piled up to the ceiling).
If I stand I would be rich by selling 1 euro pictures ... um ... ups ...

What remains so ... the draw, yes I do here, too, until I hurt her paw. What can be done squat auser pointless watching TV and can be zuriesen with dumbing down of entertainment? Read ja ... and write.
letter - on Schlaptop my father ... (my parents were "absolutely thrilled") the idea, but what? Rp for a blog about my alter ego "Sangusia" on the lotro Laurelin server I did the muse for a simple Word document read to me lacked the Sinnm it does not anyway.
So ... need a bit ago I had not, not directly, and when I read of Namidhs blog was also a desire to start ... what about me is so far unknown, write the main thing and the possibility that whoever reads it.

An official diary indicated. Written on the vitual Outdoresex Bürgerststeigen of Cybernetcity. Not quite as "tasteful" but as intimate, and finally looks to me each of reading this fucking deep in my brain, but at least may be the more appetizing than the Dekoltéewahlplakate Mrs remember and those other ... "We offer more."

So long: only look, not touch and read a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Was The Boobs Size For Red Bra

...dieses Blog ist umgezogen....

... And to achieve now under www.neubauerlaw.de / blog :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ribbon Color For Gallbladder Cancer

Schön,....schaurig schöne neue Welt... Augearth

I got from a friend just sent a link that led to a Youtube account:

"Augmenting Aerial Earth Maps with Dynamic Information:
To appear in IEEE ISMAR (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), 2009, Orlando, Florida USA:
Using crowd-casted videos, we generate a dynamic alive city in Augmented Virtual Earth maps
-More info:.
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/cpl/projects ... "

to look at Toll. The new technique is called "Augearth. http://is.gd/3qrZB Live cameras are fed into the card and generate in a computer game, the real-time view in 3-D. Not only zoom, but also turns in all directions is possible, for example, flying over a football stadium during a game - you can see all the players ... the technology at first glance excited ...!!!

Anyone who has been with "Goole Earth" has searched destinations or "zoom in" on my own has its own neighborhood, you know how impressive this technology is only just ... and how scary real! Not without reason was banned in the U.S. that people are visible / recognizable in the pictures may. To my knowledge, the "maximum zoom distances in Europe are not handled as strictly as in the United States. Would also not a problem, since the armed values \u200b\u200bin the abuse case is not in the millions subject, so expect that in the event of a recognizable figure Google has no recourse payments in six figures would have ... (as is but would certainly be in the U.S. case) .

shudder And that is why it amazed me after the first ...." Augearth "shows three-dimensional maps that are fed by live video. The effect is great however, shows the possibility of a "real-time monitoring in 3-D".

... dynamic maps via live video feed! Brave new world ... It will probably be in the future, no more privacy.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Eyebrows Done Interview

"Und es wird ein GROßER Flashmob kommen...." - ... zur Wahl am 27.09.2009 wird die Republik geflasht ? ! ?

The parliamentary elections appear to be promising entertaining. Not only that, it is important to choose a new government, many are worried whether enough ever going to choose ("Imagine there is an election and nobody goes out ..."), ... if people actually know whom they choose with what consequences (the election-o-mat helps!) ...

I personally almost always "itching op" - as the Cologne, so I'm mostly absentee voting. In this respect I could not even answer truthfully, as the local polling booths look at the school around the corner .... yet (!) I always give good cast my vote.

What's going but this time, just so people will rush to the polling stations is incredible:

I just want to shutdown the computer has, via Twitter, the estimated Kollege Siebers nochmals auf den bereits im "Bielefeld -Blog" angekündigten Flashmob hin:

Die Wähler einer bestimmten Partei werden darin aufgerufen
(Zitat in Kursiv) " Jeder ...nimmt am 27.09.2009 alle ihm bekannten Personen an die Hand, die auch in seinem Wahlbezirk wohnen und erscheint um Punkt 13.00 Uhr in seinem Wahllokal. Es wird dazu führen, dass an diesem Tag die Wahllokale wenigstens einmal voll sein werden."

The moment coasts already a the next invitation by mail to the flash mob, but not only related to Bielefeld (yep, seems to give it real!), But even in Germany:

(quote in italics) "... refers on 27/09/2009 The nationwide Flashmob xxxxxx instead." A flash mob is a seemingly spontaneous, lightning-like formation of a mob (mob). This creative form of action allows us in a short time and with little effort to create a very strong public image, because "This election is not care!" . "

looked in my spam folder: I won another one, even for next weekend (12.09.2009). I think yes, that one is more likely want to do something like ne-election Flashmob dress rehearsal - to make sure that the addressees are still breathing or hold the stylus for crosses's still can?

One thing is always the same: Other movement / party / community - either demographically or job-related, but different subject .... all should ".. am to ... because and there appear to "hold hands to call ...* * kuckkuck ... enter the ballot box ..." then .... ...ja was weiß ich denn!

Jetzt bereue ich es irgendwie, dass ich überzeugter Briefwähler bin,...aber falls ich doch wieder Erwarten daheim sein sollte,...und wenn das Wetter schön ist...DANN setz ich mich mit ner Thermoskanne Kaffee und nem Klappstühlchen mal vor mein Wahllokal und werde beobachten, wie stündlich verabredete Wahlgruppen "flashen". 

Ist eigentlich sowas wie Kaffeefahrtbashing: Als Oma mitm UWG bewaffnet bei Käffchen und Kuchen die Deckenverkäufer ärgern - nur halt ohne Oma und ohne Gesetz...Gucken will be fun. .. "Trainspotting" is out - "voter Flashmob-spotting" is in! ... And just sit and watch, whether the spiritual from the respire Merian Thumper "Violet" the polls, whether coming from the "ödp" really in the self-cleaning sweaters.

I just wish the election would then be able to still Flashmobber ne showpiece, THAT would be cool! Not just holding hands ... something more here: Flashmob in Stockholm
I would then stop by sometimes in person! The main thing, the polls are full - I am also something of "hard for it "!

Zolpidem And Zopiclone Overdose

Vorsicht! Ist Ihr "Wahl-o-mat" auch das Original? ...oder ist es "Wahlinfo.de"?

Not only free downloads, but also with the" dial-o-mat "there are free riders.

With a simple search on Google finds under the keyword you enter "Election" and "info" numerous hit ... especially the page "wahlinfo.de" (not in connection with the "dial-o-Mat" of the Federal Agency for Civic Education is in any way related!)

In the elections on "Wahlinfo.de" you can go even to an evaluation, but will also be asked to enter their address and can in the "fine print" lesen, dass eine Gebühr in Höhe von 60 Euro dafür berechnet wird.

(Das erinnert doch irgendwie an die diversen Fälle, bei denen meine Mandanten kostenlose Programme zum Download gesucht hatten, wie Adobe PDF Reader, "nur die Adresse eingeben sollten"...und einige Tage später die Rechnung für einen Download ins Haus bekamen, der angeblich kostenpflichtig war.....)

RTL berichtet just in den Abendnachrichten darüber, dass insbesondere auch Verbraucherschützer davor warnen, sollte man eine Rechnung ins Haus bekommen, nicht zu zahlen......und noch während ich diesen Artikel hier verfasse- ich mache den Test: Die Seite von "Wahlinfo.de" ist schon umgestellt, sieht nun anders aus, verlinkt only to "official sites" no links any more.

Remember, SO saw the old site of "Wahlinfo.de" from:

and so are now only available on the Internet:
How nice that the operators of the site have changed so quickly and responded within seconds, almost exactly on the RTL report!
Because there is only one choice-O-Mat, and looks like this (!):

As always, be careful! If a page - for whatever reason (!) - To ensure prompt release of any data, you are the operator of the site, make screenshots and read above all the fine print EXACTLY! And do not even enter the address! Only you can protect yourself against fraud!

Because of Creativity dubioser Angebote scheinen offensichtlich keine Grenzen gesetzt....:-)