Thursday, January 28, 2010

Any Good Soccer Team Names

oettinger für öyupp

"Full of energy, the future Commissioner is in the clip the accelerator. In the style of Edmund Stoiber leaves his tongue into racing as points pile. The unknown terrain, the higher the speed. Warnings it is passing cocky. This is not ' Worse than Wester Wave '. It's different. Exciting. Lustiger. More Better Ness. Öyupp For. "

Best described by the Berliner Zeitung what you see in this video impressive!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brazilian Wax Lawsuit

Gerechte Steuererhöhungen?

Hey Leute!

Also los mit meinem ersten Blog-Entry. Das Thema Steuererhöhungen liegt in der Luft, denn der Staat braucht Geld. Ist ja eigentlich auch logisch aufgrund der ganzen Konjunkturpakete, Einnahmenausfälle, Bankenpaket, ....

Die einhellige Meinung der Experten ist, dass der Finanzbedarf des Staates nicht allein über Einsparungen gedeckt werden wird können. Folglich die einzige logische Konsequenz: Steuererhöhungen

Ich finde das prinzipiell gut Steuern zu erhöhen . There are many people doing very well in this country and many have significantly more money than they need. But you should look for in the money at the right people cashing. Not for the poor, whose group in our country is increasing. And not the middle class (if there such a thing even exist?), As would also weaken the nonsense. So, for the rich to Beat!

How? Option 1 of a property tax !!!!!! Property taxes in Austria are among the lowest of all OECD countries. Is that reasonable? No! property tax! The first argument coming here often against (then already taxed income would be taxed again) I can refute. For it is long so that our income is taxed more than once. We pay income tax, then what is left of the value added tax, insurance tax, fuel tax, capital gains tax.

Option 2 is a change in the income tax system. I think you could raise the top tax rate slightly to 70%. Of course you can not just say: "Those who are paying 50% now, should then pay 70% of their income over 50,000." You would have to completely revise. One should also access the tax rate (der über 37 % liegt) senken und mehr Abstufungen schaffen. Und ich denke so ab 100.000 könnte man 60 % machen, ab 200.000 70 %. Wieso nicht?

Am wahrscheinlichsten ist aber leider eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertssteuer. Das ist am einfachsten durchzuführen und bringt die größten Einnahmenzuwächse. ABER sie ist die unfairste Steuer. Kleine Einkommen, die ihr ganzes Einkommen konsumieren MÜSSEN, zahlen dann prozentuell zu ihrem Einkommen mehr als Besserverdiener.

Eine Möglichkeit die mir noch einfällt wäre die Mehrwertsteuer zu staffeln. Von 0 % für Menschen die auch bei der Einkommenssteuer nichts zahlen bis hin for example, 40% for better-paid workers. This could be regulated by each get a card on which the data are saved for it. When paying at the cash comes after the aggregation of the net price the card into a terminal and the actual tax rate is applied. EU nationals can apply for a card so who would not like this and every other of his card when shopping has not paid the highest tax rate.
THEN value-added tax increases could be made socially just.

Pooh is quite long become the post, but the topic upsets me fairly. Comments are welcome.

Liebe Grüße
Euer Robert

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Full Frontal Brazilian Wax

die fdp, die mehrwertsteuer und das böse k-wort

Quite a few people laughing may already have passed, given the vehemence of liberal Steuersenkerei for their core clientele. For all other I did what - in (almost) any shape!

a picture - excerpt from the FDP General Catalog

a satirical text (?) - Of the Berliner Zeitung


a podcast , who also is with the recent and possible further tax gifts Donate Deals deals. Food 'yes nüscht!

Alcohol Causing Swollen Ankles

oettinger vs. westerwave

no (other) words ...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Silver Effects Jewelry

who the fuck is robert enke? oder: war was?

Hannover 96 today his coach Andreas Bergmann leave. A consequence of the recent "reporting"?

Since the death of Robert Enke has the team can not win a game more, but still collected in the first round a lot more points than Hertha BSC Berlin, the last year has not played for the championship. The suicide of the National goalkeeper had triggered a debate about the handling of professional footballers. And all the promised improvement, even the BILD newspaper!

claim and reality are far apart, but even with this topic at the Springer Journal. The "full-time loser" of Hannover 96 got after the game against bottom club all (!) A six. But apparently not sensitive you go, reported BILDblog .

Monday, January 18, 2010

Are Furniture Protection Plans Worth It

allüberall auf den tannenspitzen...

... I see wide grin Lobbyists sit!

for the outstanding cooperation with the hoteliers, who are happy about the decreased since the beginning of VAT on their oh-so-basic needs regular services, there were already pre a (Christmas) gift for CSU and FDP . Now, should the pharmaceutical companies put together a package for the government coalition, for how SPIEGEL recently reported ...

Roesler can reform lobbyists work

would indeed be a thing, when times have been one of the competent and knowledgeable officials had been instructed or maybe even a patient advocate!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Coach Purses In Albertbille Minnesota

tschernobyl? ach, das ist weit weg...

Was there something? Well, if so, then it's been a long time . Moreover, the nuclear power so now is the big Klimaretter .

How important because quite a few barrels false declaration which may jeopardize the groundwater? middle of Germany way. Not to mention the fact that happened here was obviously very systematic. Speaking of system: one who knows it well, will be chief nuclear Overseer: Gerald Hennenhöfer . Previously he was indeed nuclear lobbyist, but everyone is supposed to have the chance for a fresh start!

And what do the Greens, meanwhile: a sit-in in Asse organisieren oder sich an die Fahrradständer vor dem Bundesumweltministerium ketten? Nein, sie feiern ihren dreißigsten Geburtstag; Claudia Roth bezeichnenderweise in einer Lederjacke mit der Aufschrift "Trau keinem über 30" . Ist das nun Selbsterkenntnis und Altersweisheit oder doch nicht ganz ernst gemeint?