Monday, January 11, 2010

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tschernobyl? ach, das ist weit weg...

Was there something? Well, if so, then it's been a long time . Moreover, the nuclear power so now is the big Klimaretter .

How important because quite a few barrels false declaration which may jeopardize the groundwater? middle of Germany way. Not to mention the fact that happened here was obviously very systematic. Speaking of system: one who knows it well, will be chief nuclear Overseer: Gerald Hennenhöfer . Previously he was indeed nuclear lobbyist, but everyone is supposed to have the chance for a fresh start!

And what do the Greens, meanwhile: a sit-in in Asse organisieren oder sich an die Fahrradständer vor dem Bundesumweltministerium ketten? Nein, sie feiern ihren dreißigsten Geburtstag; Claudia Roth bezeichnenderweise in einer Lederjacke mit der Aufschrift "Trau keinem über 30" . Ist das nun Selbsterkenntnis und Altersweisheit oder doch nicht ganz ernst gemeint?


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