Sunday, August 22, 2010

Converting From W/w To W/v Density

Der ganz normale Wahnsinn?

Gestern war wieder einer dieser Tage, an denen man bei der Zeitungslektüre trotz einer gewissen Urlaubsleichtigkeit nicht aus dem Kopfschütteln heraus kommt. Auf zwei aufeinander folgenden Seiten des Wirtschaftsteils der Berliner Zeitung gab es mindestens drei Gründe für heftige Bewegung rund um das Teil, das eigentlich allen zur Verfügung stehen sollte: das Hirn.

Die Atomlobby hat mal wieder die Portokasse geplündert und deutschlandweit ganzseitige Anzeigen mit einem blauen Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Merkel platziert, was pro Zeitung/Zeitschrift im Schnitt so zwischen 12.000 (taz) und 50.000 Euro (SPIEGEL) kosten expected. This as a new energy policy is required, ie no nuclear phase and no new "charges" for the energy giant. And who writes under the uninspired dinosaur wish list? Only men, among them a certain Oliver Bierhoff.

One side is further noted that the federal government lacks the money for the construction of railway lines . For the expected boom in the freight no dirt is left, but for the most part pointless prestige projects such as Stuttgart 21 Unless, that are more expensive than planned, of which one can expect. By comparison, the federal government wants 11 billion over the next ten years stuck in the rail construction. Are as high now be the cost of S21 and an associated high-speed line. I wonder at this point would rather not even on the costs of highways per year.

Even the state bank KfW a lack of financial resources. Major funding for the environmental rehabilitation of homes to be set. Reason was "an unexpectedly high demand." The programs are so successful and are providing plenty of additional sustainable investment in less energy-consuming buildings. Which brings us back to the energy giant. And once again raises a question whose answer I would like to hear at least this weekend do not read or how much has actually for the KfW Rescue of IKB spent?


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