Friday, July 7, 2006

How Do You Make Dime Bar Cake

Patriotismus - Auferstanden von den Toten?

juhuuu ... the German is again proud of his country ... The World Cup brings an uninhibited patriotism with it ... you will return to his country ...

na .. you suspect it, what follows now. But no, there should be no criticism of what has happened in the past few weeks. Only at the naivete, have tried with some journalists in recent days to explain the phenomenon of patriotism.

For somehow the sounds of funny. As millions of Germans swing their flag because of sporting solidarity in football and the policy smacks us turn directly to a healthy patriotism. Funny, funny how to get there only to sporting euphoria of patriotism?
This would perhaps define first what patriotism is all;)
* wiki visit *
patriotism (patrios from the Latin patria, fatherland, or of gr, coming from a father), also known as patriotism, is a attitude, which describes an emotional attachment to one's own nation on the basis of ethnic, political or cultural features. Patriots is concerned that their nation in all fields, as in politics, in business or sports, as well as possible cuts. Patriotism differs in its Wortbedeutung von Nationalismus und Chauvinismus, indem der Begriff allein die Identifikation mit dem eigenen Land zum Ausdruck bringen soll und damit keine Abwertung anderer Völker und Nationen impliziert werden soll.

Hm, klingt nicht schlecht. Jetzt ist nur noch die Frage, wie die Leute das Ganze aufnehmen. Ist ihnen daran gelegen, dass die Deutsche Mannschaft bei der WM gut abschneidet? Ja, ganz klar. Ist ihnen daran gelegen, dass sie wirtschaftlich und politisch gut abschneiden? Sicherlich, aber doch nicht weil es "ihre Nation" ist. Vielmehr, weil sie gerne kein HARTZ4 mehr beziehen wollen.
Da ist uns doch glatt aus einem sportlichen Patriotismus, einer sportlichen Euphorie, eine allgemeine Vaterlandsliebe gestrickt worden. About the motives behind it, I write more later. Well first of all to the reactions or the effects of this new national consciousness ...

If one asks around in the streets, you often get to hear these phrases:
"At last you can again be proud to be German"
"Finally, we associate with Germany not only the Nazi period"
"This is now all 60 years ago, well, that we may once again fly the flag, without being brought to account."

Honestly, I never had the slightest desire to be proud of my country. Cheerful perhaps about the fact that I live here. But proud?
also Why? I am proud of my school career and some sports highlights.
pride can one be to something that you yourself achieved, or where one has even taken part. Is even the case with wiki.
One might think that the whole would be an aberration in the word network of the German language and "proud" would you actually say "satisfied".
I can not leave with the best will apply, for the words proud and Germany are often placed in a context that results from a certain feeling of spite.
To say today that we may finally be proud of his country, felt then they are prevented all this time. It is, in adolescents, a lesson to all the teachers and institutions that have for years in one school in every imaginable subject repeatedly drummed into the time of the Third Reich and the resulting terrible deeds in the name of German history. We will prove that there is much to that one can be proud of. German football, German beer. And also to the German History ... uh ... wait ... there was something with Chancellor Bismarck. He has yet secured the workers ... there was something about health insurance ...

Well, if you have outweighed then painstakingly highlights positive to negative peaks, then you look happy the scales and notes that one can really be proud of Germany ...

If it were not the only psychologists who have already discovered the new patriotism in other ways. Compensation is the technical term, which is associated with national identity.

This requires a trip:
schonmal Was one of you in Dortmund on the Südtribühne? Yes? Then you also have recognized determines who is there mainly to be found. True, the now almost toothless old man who has spent his life remained faithful to the club and has been with him even before Crises, job search and financial problems.

To back Thread: An adjacent laminated
everyday problems, a phenomenon which is also found in our World Cup. If storm Poldi and Klose, people forget their tax reminders, career crises, fuel costs and politicians, they celebrated wildly with the German team. And because it will tell you now must also be proud once again to its origins, proposes a one and finally we make some things that can be said to be proud of. Social and personal problems can be compensated, laminated and for a moment forgotten many. Well, if you know you can fly his flag after the World Cup.

Only on whose track one goes there? It's funny that our president speaks in glowing terms of patriotism and uninhibited us literally begging him to keep even after the World Cup ... and that the government parties then just hit the World Cup with their tax increases and other new refinements ...

coincidence? Hardly! For patriotism is blind. Still. Formerly called the whole gerenell nationalism and made known to blind with right intentions. Today, the problem no longer, at least not for people who can count to three. Sure, there are still enough German, who now with their new national pride quickly on the way to the historical distortion and historical relativism begeben getreu dem Motto "Endlich können wir Auschwitz vergessen". Aber denen sollte man doch zugestehen, dass sie diese Patriotismusdebatte auch nur als Ventil genutzt haben für ihre nationalistischen Gedanken, die schon längst vorher in ihren Köpfen schlummerten.
Nein, der aktuelle Patriotismus macht vor allem blind vor der aktuellen Politk. Die BILD, die so treu jeden Politikerskandal aufdeckt, badet sich seit neustem in den Farben Schwarz, Rot und Gold und selbst...ääähm...gehobene Zeitungen sind der Meinung, dass der Patriotismus diesem Land gut täte und bewahrt werden müsse. Die größte Steuererhöhung seit Jahren ist da so wichtig wie der Sieg der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft im Hallenhalma...

Let's be honest: I'm good at the moment only the performance of the German national team. If I do to help this young team, I'm a flag on your car and dress myself in the national colors, then it has little to do with my self-discovery and my national identity management to do. And when I say "slightly drunk" at the soccer pub my confidence Germany, Germany roar, then I try not just to develop a healthy self-confidence towards my country. I am simply trying to cheer our team.

When I use the flag with the motto "Vengeance" is also after the World Cup leaving the car, then put everything behind because. Either I still want to swim on my wave of euphoria that Klinsmann and co. brought to our home and have forgotten my worries still. That is human and not more than a bit naive.
Or I need something to compensate for my feeling of inferiority. I need a community in which I am comfortable.

One should be careful with what community they are taking in then ...

(Declaration on the last sentence. I wanted to emphasize is the danger of lead in what circles, despite a right-wing patriotism can advertise for a long time otherwise than with "foreigners out!" sayings. They use where you have the most anger at the current administration and most of all institutions kidding occurs up to the school. The boy, who is now finally proud of his country and Auschwitz not hear in school can have the best chance of falling into the neo-Nazi scene.)

I hope the blog is thought-provoking, one hand on the patriotism and the need, on the other hand, the guilt of the politicians on any "abuse potential" of this new national euphoria.
I can finish by quoting one sentence from an interview with Gregor Gysi, the round to the point brings:

countries everywhere and all hang out their flag, have mostly a problem with their identity, they feel from the others not be recognized. What do you think, why were blowing in the GDR so many flags?

on that tomorrow, the Portuguese chip away ...



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