Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Western Big Green Egg Table

9/11 und "Das Leid in aller Welt"

If you come to school these days, you see many people with T-shirts à la "U.S. World Domination Tour" or "American Idiot". Very nice

. Just in time for the 11th September crawl back a lot of people out of their holes. Short differentiation:

Type A: Is mad at U.S. policy, which was conducted after 9 / 11. Finds that would make families and victims of the attacks are being insulted and feel with the families.

Type B: confuse anger with U.S. policy with the deflection of mourning Hung / the memory of the PEOPLE on that day died. Thinks that we should but then even the poor children in Africa and other suffering in the world mourn. Says it would be morally valuable, just feel sorry for the Ammis ...

Is not it completely for the individual, no matter how many people are killed by something? If we in the neighborhood Ömmeken Gerlinde dies, but goes more into my mind and learn more meine Aufmerksamkeit als einer von den vielen Anschlägen im Irak zur Zeit. Es ist, so sehe ich das, unterste Schublade, das Mitgefühl, was man einer Sache schenkt, an der Anzahl der Opfer zu messen. Und es ist auch (entgegen der weitverbreiteten Meinung) überhaupt nicht unmoralisch, nur um die Menschen zu trauern, zu denen man noch irgendwo einen Bezug hat. Es ist menschlich!
Für mich ist es eher heuchlerisch, wenn man das Gedenken an die Opfer des 9/11, der uns sicherlich alle etwas angeht, mit den Worten "Es sterben weltweit überall sekündlich ganz, ganz viele Menschen..." abtakelt. Will man sich jetzt als Gutmensch etablieren und 24/7 für alle Opfer der Welt trauern?

Wahrscheinlich sitzt man just at its "Made in China" chair, has cheap coffee in his face and is working on a Windows PC that has been made in various parts of the world by primitive work. And now hope to establish the evil Americanism and wasting no thought on 9 / 11 because half the world starving?

Even if it is bitter: We distinguish ourselves from the average American any more. What distinguishes us most from the U.S., whose foreign policy. And THE should criticize it. That matter, on 9 / 11. Even without conspiracy theories, it is clear that the behavior of Bush & co. is almost a "negligent" attest. To "Hazard of Western freedom, "as it says Georgie so beautiful, you should grieve not. The fact that we are confronted recently with terrorist attacks, target of an arrogant Western world politics.

To the people who have come in the attack killed you should think so. They were businessmen, many liberals from different countries (as if that would be a better reason ...). We are in a similar position too, as we can presume that we, the behavior of Americans (that is, the civilian population) to criticize them and therefore give no thought.
one should feel sorry for a nation that by its President was betrayed and abused. "Self-blame" some will say, "they would not stop him elected." Again, it was
certainly no ill intent, what the Americans can vote for each bus. With what topics you elections to win for himself and with what kind of content you can catch the electorate, one has seen finally in the re-election Schroeder:

As he stood on the sand bags and with "tears" in the eyes of the assistance promised by the tsunami disaster, as he has lured his "Iraq" debate, voters, Bush has locked up his voters with the promise of "security" to the polls. And you should be careful: If a similar situation exists in Germany, rotten meat and VAT will be forgotten very fast times ...


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