Tuesday, May 13, 2008

13 Ft Boston Whaler Bimini Top

Karrierekiller StudiVZ - Ab in die Offensive!

Eigentlich ist das Thema ja schon zig Mal durchgekaut...trotzdem haben m.E. viele Studenten und Studentinnen immer noch nicht richtig verstanden, inwiefern das bei StudiVZ oder einem sonstigen Studentenverzeichnis angelegte Profil der Karriere nun schaden kann, oder nicht. Es wird viel darüber geredet, dass StudiVZ der Karrierekiller schlechthin ist und dass die Personalchefs geradezu danach lechzen, ihre Bewerber per Profilcheck genaustens to testing. Many want to leave the VZ, denounce it and still have extra to panic, even after they leave or "traces" left behind on the network that are valuable to hiring managers.


time a thought of me on the subject:

Do you really believe that StudiVZ is a wide area to the Career Killer? I've got serious doubts.

The personnel manager - is the unmasking of inherently evil and only has in mind, as many candidates as alcohol-dependent Penner?
No! is probably him just about to find such candidates, die der Firma viel Geld bringen.

Nehmen wir mal an, ein Personalleiter eines großen Mobilfunkunternehmens stellt einen neuen Mitarbeiter ein. Jetzt hat er also das StudiVZ als neue Informationsquelle gefunden und guckt sich die Profile der 10 Kandidaten an, die sich bei ihm beworben haben.
Kandidat 1-8 haben mehrere Partyfotos auf ihrer Seite. Kandidat 9 ist Mitglied in der Gruppe "Ich glühe härter vor, als du Party machst." Nur Kandidat 10 scheint komplett "rein" zu sein, ist nur in sachlich-informativen Gruppen, hat nur harmlose Familienfotos und sieht ordentlich aus.
Der Personalleiter entscheidet sich also für ihn.

Nach einiger Zeit stellt er fest, dass Kandidat 10 zwar ein durchaus perfektes Profil has, as a "person" but failed totally because he is not communicative and sociable, and thus probably better than would document sorters are good, as a businessman. He can pray down the technical data of all mobile phones, get the sales pitch but wet hands and falls out of sheer human communication almost fainted.

result Personnel Director dismisses the candidates and avoiding it in future, from party photos and fun groups dazzle on one side and perfectly manicured, sterile profiles on the other side to leave.


What I'm saying: Very soon will notice the recruiters this world or this country, that a pre-sorting of candidates by the StudiVZ often useless or at worst counterproductive. You will notice that the membership of the group before I burn harder than you do party "no indication of alcohol dependence, but only rhetorically worth more or less full of fun of rather short duration. There is already the group before I burn harder than Chuck Norris "and" We do not glow before, we burn down from "all a rather satirical sequel to the first group and not at all (beer), a serious expression of life.

Money talks and when the companies noted that they based Such a superficial waste profile studies only time and money, they will have it.

But this should also be a call to all: Go on the offensive! confused the personnel manager. Makes it impossible for them to put you in a corner. Compete in preference to groups that benefit from a / n idea / opinion / taste of self-irony to poke fun. IF you have any borderline Hobbies / views you have, then covered with a funny group name. Shame on you not afraid to make a party image online. Provides the same but a picture of you as a youth group leader / tour guide / shoe salesman with it. Presented to you varied and unique.

And above all, you see just the groups list more than a collection of funny sayings, as an expression of your innermost feelings. Membership of the group "Pro Israel" or "Pro Palestine" is possibly more dangerous than a commitment to pre-heat.

So, have fun and let's not scare you. Always remember: We have to control the Internet. The Web 2.0 can see no personnel manager in the world because it changes every day and getting bigger and bigger. Uses this advantage to your favor.

From the offensive, not in the anonymity and certainly not in the irrelevance.

ps: This post should in no way appeal to cover up unconstitutional or otherwise offensive views using confusing group name. The studiVZ is abused since its foundation by right-wing extremists and other fanatics. This must not be tolerated.