Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Western Big Green Egg Table

9/11 und "Das Leid in aller Welt"

If you come to school these days, you see many people with T-shirts à la "U.S. World Domination Tour" or "American Idiot". Very nice

. Just in time for the 11th September crawl back a lot of people out of their holes. Short differentiation:

Type A: Is mad at U.S. policy, which was conducted after 9 / 11. Finds that would make families and victims of the attacks are being insulted and feel with the families.

Type B: confuse anger with U.S. policy with the deflection of mourning Hung / the memory of the PEOPLE on that day died. Thinks that we should but then even the poor children in Africa and other suffering in the world mourn. Says it would be morally valuable, just feel sorry for the Ammis ...

Is not it completely for the individual, no matter how many people are killed by something? If we in the neighborhood Ömmeken Gerlinde dies, but goes more into my mind and learn more meine Aufmerksamkeit als einer von den vielen Anschlägen im Irak zur Zeit. Es ist, so sehe ich das, unterste Schublade, das Mitgefühl, was man einer Sache schenkt, an der Anzahl der Opfer zu messen. Und es ist auch (entgegen der weitverbreiteten Meinung) überhaupt nicht unmoralisch, nur um die Menschen zu trauern, zu denen man noch irgendwo einen Bezug hat. Es ist menschlich!
Für mich ist es eher heuchlerisch, wenn man das Gedenken an die Opfer des 9/11, der uns sicherlich alle etwas angeht, mit den Worten "Es sterben weltweit überall sekündlich ganz, ganz viele Menschen..." abtakelt. Will man sich jetzt als Gutmensch etablieren und 24/7 für alle Opfer der Welt trauern?

Wahrscheinlich sitzt man just at its "Made in China" chair, has cheap coffee in his face and is working on a Windows PC that has been made in various parts of the world by primitive work. And now hope to establish the evil Americanism and wasting no thought on 9 / 11 because half the world starving?

Even if it is bitter: We distinguish ourselves from the average American any more. What distinguishes us most from the U.S., whose foreign policy. And THE should criticize it. That matter, on 9 / 11. Even without conspiracy theories, it is clear that the behavior of Bush & co. is almost a "negligent" attest. To "Hazard of Western freedom, "as it says Georgie so beautiful, you should grieve not. The fact that we are confronted recently with terrorist attacks, target of an arrogant Western world politics.

To the people who have come in the attack killed you should think so. They were businessmen, many liberals from different countries (as if that would be a better reason ...). We are in a similar position too, as we can presume that we, the behavior of Americans (that is, the civilian population) to criticize them and therefore give no thought.
one should feel sorry for a nation that by its President was betrayed and abused. "Self-blame" some will say, "they would not stop him elected." Again, it was
certainly no ill intent, what the Americans can vote for each bus. With what topics you elections to win for himself and with what kind of content you can catch the electorate, one has seen finally in the re-election Schroeder:

As he stood on the sand bags and with "tears" in the eyes of the assistance promised by the tsunami disaster, as he has lured his "Iraq" debate, voters, Bush has locked up his voters with the promise of "security" to the polls. And you should be careful: If a similar situation exists in Germany, rotten meat and VAT will be forgotten very fast times ...

Friday, July 7, 2006

How Do You Make Dime Bar Cake

Patriotismus - Auferstanden von den Toten?

juhuuu ... the German is again proud of his country ... The World Cup brings an uninhibited patriotism with it ... you will return to his country ...

na .. you suspect it, what follows now. But no, there should be no criticism of what has happened in the past few weeks. Only at the naivete, have tried with some journalists in recent days to explain the phenomenon of patriotism.

For somehow the sounds of funny. As millions of Germans swing their flag because of sporting solidarity in football and the policy smacks us turn directly to a healthy patriotism. Funny, funny how to get there only to sporting euphoria of patriotism?
This would perhaps define first what patriotism is all;)
* wiki visit *
patriotism (patrios from the Latin patria, fatherland, or of gr, coming from a father), also known as patriotism, is a attitude, which describes an emotional attachment to one's own nation on the basis of ethnic, political or cultural features. Patriots is concerned that their nation in all fields, as in politics, in business or sports, as well as possible cuts. Patriotism differs in its Wortbedeutung von Nationalismus und Chauvinismus, indem der Begriff allein die Identifikation mit dem eigenen Land zum Ausdruck bringen soll und damit keine Abwertung anderer Völker und Nationen impliziert werden soll.

Hm, klingt nicht schlecht. Jetzt ist nur noch die Frage, wie die Leute das Ganze aufnehmen. Ist ihnen daran gelegen, dass die Deutsche Mannschaft bei der WM gut abschneidet? Ja, ganz klar. Ist ihnen daran gelegen, dass sie wirtschaftlich und politisch gut abschneiden? Sicherlich, aber doch nicht weil es "ihre Nation" ist. Vielmehr, weil sie gerne kein HARTZ4 mehr beziehen wollen.
Da ist uns doch glatt aus einem sportlichen Patriotismus, einer sportlichen Euphorie, eine allgemeine Vaterlandsliebe gestrickt worden. About the motives behind it, I write more later. Well first of all to the reactions or the effects of this new national consciousness ...

If one asks around in the streets, you often get to hear these phrases:
"At last you can again be proud to be German"
"Finally, we associate with Germany not only the Nazi period"
"This is now all 60 years ago, well, that we may once again fly the flag, without being brought to account."

Honestly, I never had the slightest desire to be proud of my country. Cheerful perhaps about the fact that I live here. But proud?
also Why? I am proud of my school career and some sports highlights.
pride can one be to something that you yourself achieved, or where one has even taken part. Is even the case with wiki.
One might think that the whole would be an aberration in the word network of the German language and "proud" would you actually say "satisfied".
I can not leave with the best will apply, for the words proud and Germany are often placed in a context that results from a certain feeling of spite.
To say today that we may finally be proud of his country, felt then they are prevented all this time. It is, in adolescents, a lesson to all the teachers and institutions that have for years in one school in every imaginable subject repeatedly drummed into the time of the Third Reich and the resulting terrible deeds in the name of German history. We will prove that there is much to that one can be proud of. German football, German beer. And also to the German History ... uh ... wait ... there was something with Chancellor Bismarck. He has yet secured the workers ... there was something about health insurance ...

Well, if you have outweighed then painstakingly highlights positive to negative peaks, then you look happy the scales and notes that one can really be proud of Germany ...

If it were not the only psychologists who have already discovered the new patriotism in other ways. Compensation is the technical term, which is associated with national identity.

This requires a trip:
schonmal Was one of you in Dortmund on the Südtribühne? Yes? Then you also have recognized determines who is there mainly to be found. True, the now almost toothless old man who has spent his life remained faithful to the club and has been with him even before Crises, job search and financial problems.

To back Thread: An adjacent laminated
everyday problems, a phenomenon which is also found in our World Cup. If storm Poldi and Klose, people forget their tax reminders, career crises, fuel costs and politicians, they celebrated wildly with the German team. And because it will tell you now must also be proud once again to its origins, proposes a one and finally we make some things that can be said to be proud of. Social and personal problems can be compensated, laminated and for a moment forgotten many. Well, if you know you can fly his flag after the World Cup.

Only on whose track one goes there? It's funny that our president speaks in glowing terms of patriotism and uninhibited us literally begging him to keep even after the World Cup ... and that the government parties then just hit the World Cup with their tax increases and other new refinements ...

coincidence? Hardly! For patriotism is blind. Still. Formerly called the whole gerenell nationalism and made known to blind with right intentions. Today, the problem no longer, at least not for people who can count to three. Sure, there are still enough German, who now with their new national pride quickly on the way to the historical distortion and historical relativism begeben getreu dem Motto "Endlich können wir Auschwitz vergessen". Aber denen sollte man doch zugestehen, dass sie diese Patriotismusdebatte auch nur als Ventil genutzt haben für ihre nationalistischen Gedanken, die schon längst vorher in ihren Köpfen schlummerten.
Nein, der aktuelle Patriotismus macht vor allem blind vor der aktuellen Politk. Die BILD, die so treu jeden Politikerskandal aufdeckt, badet sich seit neustem in den Farben Schwarz, Rot und Gold und selbst...ääähm...gehobene Zeitungen sind der Meinung, dass der Patriotismus diesem Land gut täte und bewahrt werden müsse. Die größte Steuererhöhung seit Jahren ist da so wichtig wie der Sieg der Deutschen Nationalmannschaft im Hallenhalma...

Let's be honest: I'm good at the moment only the performance of the German national team. If I do to help this young team, I'm a flag on your car and dress myself in the national colors, then it has little to do with my self-discovery and my national identity management to do. And when I say "slightly drunk" at the soccer pub my confidence Germany, Germany roar, then I try not just to develop a healthy self-confidence towards my country. I am simply trying to cheer our team.

When I use the flag with the motto "Vengeance" is also after the World Cup leaving the car, then put everything behind because. Either I still want to swim on my wave of euphoria that Klinsmann and co. brought to our home and have forgotten my worries still. That is human and not more than a bit naive.
Or I need something to compensate for my feeling of inferiority. I need a community in which I am comfortable.

One should be careful with what community they are taking in then ...

(Declaration on the last sentence. I wanted to emphasize is the danger of lead in what circles, despite a right-wing patriotism can advertise for a long time otherwise than with "foreigners out!" sayings. They use where you have the most anger at the current administration and most of all institutions kidding occurs up to the school. The boy, who is now finally proud of his country and Auschwitz not hear in school can have the best chance of falling into the neo-Nazi scene.)

I hope the blog is thought-provoking, one hand on the patriotism and the need, on the other hand, the guilt of the politicians on any "abuse potential" of this new national euphoria.
I can finish by quoting one sentence from an interview with Gregor Gysi, the round to the point brings:

countries everywhere and all hang out their flag, have mostly a problem with their identity, they feel from the others not be recognized. What do you think, why were blowing in the GDR so many flags?

on that tomorrow, the Portuguese chip away ...


Friday, June 23, 2006

Songs With Birthday In The Title

Back home ...

So, now I'm already quite a while back at home. Unfortunately, my internet is not working lately, so only now something new from me.

To my stay here to get South Africa to an end, nor my / our last days:

Having experienced a Monday, as has been reported at the Cape of Good Hope, were we visited the next day Cape Town. I have indeed seen the most, but not Andrea! Others were in Bo-Kaap, wos are many colorful buildings in the Company's Garden, nem garden in the middle of the city, and on Greenmarket Square, nem large souvenir market.

Then we went up to Table Mountain. But no ... not with the cable car. That yes, any! We have run high! Have for the path that was specified at 2.5 h, needed only 1.5 hours! Was pretty tiring, but great. Now I can say finally, I was up (the first time I'm driving up the cable car). Because I believe it was only on Table Mountain, if you are also running high! Then have seen the sunset from the top and are the last cable car back down. It was really great!

The next day we spent mostly at the Waterfront, yet little shopping and enjoy the sun!
evening we went with those who were still left Bißle farewell party went. were all the more not many.

On the last day we had great weather again, so we leave the course, please do not necessarily easier. Still, the last shopping done and spent the rest of the day in the garden.

On Friday wars come: The return flight was on! Are broken up by four in the morning because we had to make car and our flight was actually started at 7:45. Actually! Due to fog we are unfortunately let loose with 4 (!) Hours late.
This was nothing out of the World Cup opening game, as we landed only at 23.oo Clock in Frankfurt. But the pilot informed us at least over the result!

So, that's so with my time in South Africa. I learned a lot, seen a lot, met many new people and had lots of fun!
The country is really beautiful, I can only recommend anyone to go there go there or to go on vacation! I'll mainly South Africa and Cape Town still small at first miss for a while and will definitely be there again, probably later than 2010, since there is the World Cup in South Africa.

In this sense ... that's it!
Hope you all had fun on my side and it was at least somewhat interesting. For me she is now the same as a travel diary, so that has been worth all the effort the same twice.
So, does well, we'll see you ...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dialysis Patients Who Regainn Kidney Function

Warum Fußballmuffel keine Che Guevaras sind...

Cup in their own country. The time to make Heinz, Erna and Bodo, a German dachshund.
state of emergency. Party atmosphere. All of Germany is busy. All of Germany? No!
A few people can afford bitter resistance. By they all merchandising stuff and still not vote protest by the TV fails or is only "natural channel" or "Phoenix" watched.

But what moves them to isolate itself by celebrating the football community?
be happy to specify these reasons:

- commercialization , fans are being exploited by obsessive nationalism, since they have tons of Fanartikel thrown at her feet.

- World Cup is not a German World Cup but a American World Cup . coca cola and MCD are the main sponsors, not German.

- Everything else is pushed into the background.

- politicians are artificially placed misuse patriotism for their own purposes.

far, so good. Sounds nice and of course the very alternative. And that one wants to be last. No hangers-on, which can devour as one of many of the bööööösen snake named football, but one who sits in his Birkenstock sandals on the balcony and a good drink even pressed grape juice, the wonderful nature enjoys ... well away from all the hustle and celebratory mood.

A few good reasons to muffle against football, I have this time together:

1) It is a major event on home soil. football fans from around the world after Germany and the World Cup will be one of the largest cultural events. In many cities there are big parties, mixed with German and foreign entertainment. Brazilian dance nights, American Cheerleader, German (well, Bavarian) leather pants and associations Schuhplattler, oriental music and and and ...
During the World Cup, Germany is a melting pot of nations, and which makes even the most narrow-minded German farmers are something cosmopolitan and hospitable. My
Father has brought a jersey of Brazil and my mother raves about the French. Although I find horrible: D but oh well ...

2) World Cup brings profit. Contrary to pessimistic expectations of all the World Cup to boost the German economy. Even the expensive stadiums and Other expenses for security, etc. can not change much. Whether there will be a net gain in the World Cup, no one can say beforehand. That the labor market and the economy benefit in general, that's for sure.

My advice to all who want to escape such commercialization: Searches you like-minded people and start a revolution. Defeat Capitalism. But falls ihr all das nicht vorhaben solltet, kann man die strikte Verweigerung des WM-Konsums nur müde belächeln. Ihr lebt in einem kapitalistischen Land und steuert mit eurem Leben tagtäglich dazu bei. Da hilft es wenig, sich gegen Großereignisse wie die WM zu sperren. Die Wirtschaftsbosse stört das kein bisschen.

3) WM macht Spaß. Ob man nun Fußballfan ist, oder nicht. Das gesellige Beisammensein im eigenen Garten bei Bier und Würstchen ist einfach schön. Man hat Gesprächsstoff und amüsiert sich über die Engländer, feiert zusammen Poldi & Schweini und verwettet sein Geld auf das beste Team.
Viele Leute mögen den Patriotismus nicht, us to be inoculated because of the World Cup. These times this: You need not join in ... but who forces you to? Just because you have a flag at the World Cup car that does not mean that you think nationalistic. SchwarzRotGold for the next month, the color of the sport. I wear usually the lack of Germany for the World Cup circuit ... but I bought one. Not to express my German pride, but to celebrate with friends. And the dress makes in SchwarzRotGold just more fun:)

You have to be an expert to be carried away by the atmosphere. But you may need to come out from his compulsive denial. You do not have national pride, but may have to come down from his pseudo-alternative rail.
reminds me again and again to people who refuse RockamRing example with the words: . "This is too much I hate mainstream commercial music." then I tell them: "thinking about it Schonmal, the alternative has become itself a brand word"
They want to distance themselves and act as many thousands of others. Mission failed, I would say;)

CheGuevara you are not, you are nunmal Germany ...

A brief explanation yet: I have with my criticism is not based on football muffle who find the sport stupid in itself. Who does not like football, which has at least one good reason to leave the TV. (And yes, it will be enough for a possible evening with friends still ...)

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Gameshark Pokemon Orange

On Monday morning we Sebastian then taken to the airport to five half!

then are we to the penguins to Simon's Town. Since I was indeed so, but not Andrea. This time, fortunately not warn again as many tourists as there last time, but more penguins.

Are We then in glorious weather at the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point and then along the Chapman's Peak Drive, one of the (apparently) the most beautiful coastal roads in the world, to Camps Bay, for sunset look.

Here are some impressions of our day:

course I learned again what:
penguins are funny , tourism get back the VAT on everything they take home and English can be quite embarrassing.

In this sense ... if you could keep penguins as pets: I had one!

Monday, June 5, 2006

Used Gun Scopes For Sale

South Africa-South Africa-

On the second day in the Tsitsikamma National Park we went to nem waterfall. Even the way there was a small adventure, since one had to climb more than walking. The approximately 3-hour trek was worth it, in any case, we have been rewarded with a beautiful waterfall! "Sleeping

we wanted in the car, but since the too cold and uncomfortable now, we're moved to NEN laundry at the campsite. That was actually not really cozy, but we went for some wine glasses somehow. can

We have also seen how easy our crack Toyota, because we so have our keys in the car and leave all the doors were closed. But luckily us a native of Johannesburg staff has helped the park ...

On Wednesday it was ready: SAFARI was on the program. see with the aim of the 'Big Five', went into the Addo Elephant Park near Port Elizabeth. Apart from a few gabs elephant like this aber leider nichts zu sehen. Dafuer aber viele Warthogs (Art Wildschweine), Zebras, Kudus, Antilopen etc. und ne tolle Landschaft!

Danach starteten wir dann unsere Nachtfahrt nach Pretoria. Mit Halt in Grahamstown (X-Men 3) fuhren wir die Nacht ueber ca. 1.200 km nach Pretoria, wo wir am Donnerstag morgen um 10.00 ankamen. Haben dort zuerst mal bisschen die Stadt angeschaut, dann die Union Buildings (Regierungsgebaeude) und schliesslich, aus Frust ueber die nicht-gesehenen 'Big Five', den Zoo. Dort waren sie dann alle: Elefant, Nashorn, Bueffel, Loewe, Leopard. Zaehlt aber eigentlich nicht!

Am Freitag sind wir dann nach Pilanesberg in nen National Park, auch mit dem Ziel, wenigstens noch einige der 'Big Five' zu . See Were not disappointed, having seen alongside elephants and buffalo and a rhinoceros. Missing two ... Thats has also ne giraffe herd, many zebras, hippos, kudu, antelope, etc. And again ne nice landscape!

Finally, we planned to go to Johannesburg, of which we were advised, however, several most urgent. Was too dangerous, especially at weekends. If you only visit as possible with NEM guide!

Do we then decided to visit the nearby Sterkfontein Caves, the second oldest caves where human fossils ever found. And since we had not yet seen any lions, then we are still in the Rhino & Lion Park, which you can take a ride with his own car. And there they were, real, live and in full size: LOEWEN! Thats has also par rhinos, cheetahs, Zebra, kudu, etc. Unfortunately, no leopards!

Learned I of course again a lot during our trip:

The brain of an ostrich is smaller than its eye, in South African bathrooms are no sockets, Japanese will lebensmuede, just a good photo of nem rhino to and zebras are just getting any funny horse.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

How To Pull Out The Battery On The Firex

Trip # 2 Trip # 1

So, yesterday after 9 days, 3,400 km driving, and plenty of sunshine returned from our trip around South Africa back! Our trip led us from Cape Town along the coast and finally to the north-east of the country in the capital Pretoria and Johannesburg with plane back to Cape Town.

But first things first:

Last Saturday we went with our black, sports, going from AVIS rented Toyota 'TAZZ' from Cape Town. After a few stops along the coast (including Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa ", where the Indian and Atlantic Ocean,! See photo) was our first stop of Mossel Bay. Besides precious old trees and beautiful beaches gabs post there to see but not very much, the highlight was probably our accommodation, an old railway wagon! Something different ...

Sebastian Besides I have twice defeated in the pool!

was actually our black Toyota at the start, but there are streets that deserve the term 'road' not at all. Only dirt, potholes and Wasserpfuetzen! Accordingly, our car then looked out on the first day already!

The next day, then were the Cango Caves (old Tropfsteinhoehlen) and ne ostrich farm in Oudtshoorn on the program. In the evening we went to the next backpacker to Knysna, has to offer except mini-Ner to Cape Town's Waterfront, a model is not very much. Cape Town's experienced as we could but not very impressive ...

Montags fuhren wir zuerst ins Monkeyland, nem grossen, eingezaeuhnten Wald, wo ganz viele verschiedene Affen wohnen, die frueher mal in Kaefigen lebten, Drehorgel spielten etc. und nun in Freiheit leben duerfen!

Danach fuhren wir dann wohl zum Highlight unserer Tour, in den Tsitsikamma National Park. Wollten dort eigentlich nur einen Tag bleiben, die Landschaft dort hat uns aber so ueberwaeltigt, dass wir nen zweiten Tag anhaengen mussten. Am ersten Tag sind wir zu nem Aussichtspunkt gewandert mit Blick auf eine unglaublich tolle Landschaft. Hier ein paar Eindruecke:

Den Rest unsrer Reise gibts dann morgen, oder uebermorgen... Hab jetzt keine Zeit mehr.

Bis denn...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Bladder Suspension Relapse

basejumping roooooocks


me today I have again looked at my favorite video. It always fascinates me how a couple try crazy birds, the force of gravity for a few seconds to say "good bye" ...
enjoys it easy:)

if you want more you have visited THIS page.

Via: VideoSift

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Free Pitchures Of Vagainas

Table Mountain ...

Ja, heute gings endlich rauf auf den Tafelberg!
Aber nicht zu Fuss, haben von unserm Garten die Fahrt mit Seilbahn spendiert bekommen!
Bei tollem Wetter hatten wir nen echt super Blick ueber Kapstadt.

Hier ein paar Impressions:

Another thing interesting aside: Have
met today the rarest plant in the world! The words "Encephalartos woodii" and belongs to the Cycads, probably best be described as a kind of palm ne. This is left in the photo is the only plant that the botanical garden was hochzuechten here for decades. And we have seen! And touched! And photographed! 'm So proud ;-)

So, tomorrow morning I will get Andrea at the airport, at the Samstag starten wir unsern Trip durch Suedafrika. Haben schon nen Plan ausgetueftelt, hoffen jetzt nur noch auf gutes Wetter! Mieten uns nen Wagen und wenns klappt fuehrt uns die Reise bis Johannisburg, von wo aus wir dann mit dem Flugzeug wieder nach Kapstadt zurueck fliegen.
Das ist der Plan, obs so laueft wird sich zeigen.

Weiss allerdings nicht, ob und wie oft ich da in ein Internetcafe komm. Kann also sein, dass ich jetzt mal ne Weile nix mehr von mir hoeren lass.

So, gehn jetzt dann heim, machen noch nen schoenen Braii heut abend, bisschen grillen, bisschen Abschied feiern und so.

Machts gut, wir sehn uns...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How Long Will An Open Bottle Of Scotch Last

stoiber erklärt den problembär

of Bavarian immigrants bear the generic gives me and obviously the entire German political elite no rest ...
has now also adopted Eddie the Eagle of the problem and explained with the usual confusion of the three bear species

problem bear, Schadbär, Normalbär!

three times one may guess what has come as a result of this state ...

THE StoiBär

put this nice long weekend and celebrates your old!