Monday, December 20, 2010

Catholic Wedding When Bride Is Protestant

Die Guttenbergs - eine Seifenoper der BILD

Not that there had been no excitement in recent weeks. But it was all somehow withstand or compensate for, at least by nice things halfway. The here goes but do not:
YOU fought for a good cause, he came directly from the war to ... THE GUTTENBERG. (...) Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (39) appears in the "A Heart for Children" Gala: (...) In Guttenberg's heavy boots yet the light sand affixed by the Hindu Kush.
One wonders, indeed in the image but from time to time, although it really should know better: Where's actually even more boldly? And yes, it is, especially when it comes to a favorite pair of Springer-fighting blade. Since one is as SPIEGEL author and Guttenberg enemy Stefan Kuzmany even times mouth prohibited.

but the picture speaks but only from what others think. Well, sometimes they sealed simply something to . Even with the "A Heart for Children" gala. Significantly, right?

Friday, October 29, 2010

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Der Koch ist der Kellner

Even after his retirement from politics, he leaves no peace ... Roland Koch is the Executive Boss construction company Bilfinger Berger, said the SPIEGEL .

Thus, the former Minister President of Hesse moves to a company that has, according to Transparency International by the decisions of the Koch government has benefited greatly in the past. The mirror has also the right picture it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Zu kurz gedacht

The international community wants to Ecuador According to the newspaper pay 2.7 billion U.S. dollars, so it renounces oil in Yasuni National Park in the Amazon jungle - "so to speak, as failure to pay the unsubsidised oil." Created the money in a trust fund of the United Nations. Interest from the fund to benefit community projects.

come from and where such interest? For example, firms which drill elsewhere for oil and not give a damn care about biodiversity and the lives of indigenous peoples, to be with the UN funds but actually protected ...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Brent Corriganparents

Fleisch und Fliegen (= Brot und Spiele)

via Humane Wirtschaft

Sunday, August 22, 2010

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Der ganz normale Wahnsinn?

Gestern war wieder einer dieser Tage, an denen man bei der Zeitungslektüre trotz einer gewissen Urlaubsleichtigkeit nicht aus dem Kopfschütteln heraus kommt. Auf zwei aufeinander folgenden Seiten des Wirtschaftsteils der Berliner Zeitung gab es mindestens drei Gründe für heftige Bewegung rund um das Teil, das eigentlich allen zur Verfügung stehen sollte: das Hirn.

Die Atomlobby hat mal wieder die Portokasse geplündert und deutschlandweit ganzseitige Anzeigen mit einem blauen Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Merkel platziert, was pro Zeitung/Zeitschrift im Schnitt so zwischen 12.000 (taz) und 50.000 Euro (SPIEGEL) kosten expected. This as a new energy policy is required, ie no nuclear phase and no new "charges" for the energy giant. And who writes under the uninspired dinosaur wish list? Only men, among them a certain Oliver Bierhoff.

One side is further noted that the federal government lacks the money for the construction of railway lines . For the expected boom in the freight no dirt is left, but for the most part pointless prestige projects such as Stuttgart 21 Unless, that are more expensive than planned, of which one can expect. By comparison, the federal government wants 11 billion over the next ten years stuck in the rail construction. Are as high now be the cost of S21 and an associated high-speed line. I wonder at this point would rather not even on the costs of highways per year.

Even the state bank KfW a lack of financial resources. Major funding for the environmental rehabilitation of homes to be set. Reason was "an unexpectedly high demand." The programs are so successful and are providing plenty of additional sustainable investment in less energy-consuming buildings. Which brings us back to the energy giant. And once again raises a question whose answer I would like to hear at least this weekend do not read or how much has actually for the KfW Rescue of IKB spent?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

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ZDF-Moderator wird Regierungssprecher, Vorgänger wird BR-Intendant

Only someone with no doubts about the independence of public service media and some leading minds? The former government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm is director of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, which already caused a stir. Previously, Hesse Ministerpräsident.Koch had vociferously and successfully used for the replacement of ZDF Director Brender.

Now put the federal government and Steffen Seibert go one better: The ZDF-Moderator ("heute journal") becomes the new government spokesman - and its justification reads like a lousy cover letter:

"Seibert take the post but gladly, because He convinced was, 'that the Federal Government under the leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the right priorities to secure our country in these difficult years, a good future. "( PICTURE online )

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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köhler und die vermeintlichen krisenbewältiger

" When he in favor of the climate increase in gasoline prices demanded, he committed to the representatives of a car-sick nation the Fall. For his subject in this country in Africa is interested in truth no one honestly, and when he described the financial markets as a juggernaut, he was completely isolated among those who had promoted him to Schloss Bellevue. He sang in the chorus longer incorrectly mysticus the appeasers and alleged Krisenbewältiger "

Klaus Staeck in der Berliner Zeitung über den Rücktritt von Ex-Bundespräsident Horst Köhler

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bfp 10 Days After Ovidrel

die a...löcher bei der b...zeitung

Unglaublich, was sich so alles abspielt nach dem Foul von Kevin-Prince Boateng an olle Ballack. Die Berliner Zeitung bringt das unter dem Titel "Deutschland zürnt dem Wedding" sehr schön auf den Punkt. Und wie so oft ist es die BILD-Zeitung, die dem ganzen die Krone aufsetzt:
"Er wollte diese WM spielen und Weltmeister werden. Und ein Arschloch hat ihm seinen Traum kaputt gemacht. Ein drittklassiger Fußballspieler. Immer sind es Arschlöcher, die alles zerstören."
Franz Josef Wagner in der BILD

Who protects the world really in front of such holes as Wagner A. ..?

Friday, May 7, 2010

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vom regierungssprecher zum öffentlich-rechtlichen intendanten: demkra... was?

Ulrich Wilhelm will be the new director of the Bavarian Radio. William? If not ...? Yes, just the. The "lull Charming" (Süddeutsche Zeitung). The party with the right book when it comes to a post in Bavaria.

The Berliner Zeitung gets upset and wrote about the "radio as a prey"..

"The appointment of a government spokesman to a director position is a novelty in this country and not be called otherwise than a scandal You have to do not the professional image of the Press Secretary endeavor, the first is his employer and not necessarily der Wahrheit. Wer sich daran erinnert, welche Affären etwa Edmund Stoiber zu bewältigen hatte, wird wissen, welche Herkulesarbeit sein Sprecher verrichtete."

Nach Ansicht der Berliner Zeitung glauben die verantwortlichen Christdemokraten offensichtlich nicht einmal mehr den Schein wahren zu müssen in Sachen Staatsferne und demokratischer Meinungsbildung der Anstalten des öffentlichen Rechts. Es gehe zu wie in Venezuela: "Nur geräuschloser. Empörung über diesen Coup ist kaum zu vernehmen." Und das ist das allerschlimmste daran.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

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kritik am finanzsystem wird lauter und massenmedial

"Wir haben ein System, ein Zinseszins-, ein Schuldsystem geschaffen, das aus seiner Anlage heraus langfristig so nicht funktionieren kann. It is actually all the protagonists agree. From the beginning, our financial system in the way that we have put it, a half-life. It has a limited life. The question is: How long has this yet, "
Dirk Müller," Mr.? Dax ZDF (with the nod of approval by Hans Eichel, Federal Minister of Finance a. D.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

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I can not help but laugh out of sheer ...

Friday, February 19, 2010

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vom journalistenwahn zu lebenswerten alternativen

Ok, this movie is more of just an intermediate step on the apparently still pretty far away from tabloid would-be poets to Regierungskoks up sustainably livable alternatives, but apparently it does indeed have a lot of enlightenment, not only in image.

should And then you've once a project view that combines alternative approaches to a unique model!

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von der klimakanzlerin zur mutti erde

Monday, February 15, 2010

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have an 'I still (or Berliner Zeitung ) ...

"Federal Transport Minister Peter Ramsauer (CSU) explains the low mood of the Federal Government with the winter weather. "Sure beats many of the weather on the mind," said Ramsauer in the Bild newspaper. 'This could also explain why the government stands worse after surveys of citizens at the moment than it actually is'. "

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westerwelle ein esel & die schweizer alle hehler?

Hear ... Ex-CDU general secretary Heiner Geissler heard loud n-tv in the Ruhr Nachrichten: mock
"Westerwelle ten million German citizens living in near poverty as a decadent late Roman, he said. The late Roman decadence was in Rome not been circulated among the slaves and the common people, but on a luxury of the rich elite and a top layer. 'The haben sich jeden Tag bis zum Erbrechen vollgefressen, während die einfachen Leute Hunger litten', sagte Geißler. Auch heute badeten Wohlhabende in ihrem Überfluss, während Millionen von Hartz IV und Mini-Jobs leben müssten und kaum davon leben könnten. 'Kaiser Caligula hat einen Esel zum Konsul ernannt und das Volk damit verhöhnt. Wir haben einen Esel als Außenminister, der das deutsche Volk verhöhnt.'"

Wer hat's erfunden? Die "Humane Wirtschaft" über die Schweiz bzw. "Hehlvetia".

Und: Tätää, tätää, tätää... Die Jecken unter dem Motto: „Jeck, we can!“ über Mr. Westerwave.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flat Wart (verruca Plana)

Braucht Österreich eine starke Linke Kraft?

What is striking about the political landscape of Austria, that there is no clear left-wing party. If you look apart from the Communist Party, but has no weight in federal politics. Is there potential voters left no views? I can not imagine the best of intentions. Would mean that only rights and neo-liberals in this country live.

is the first place for the skimming of the electorate a one nature, the SPÖ. The problem with the Social Democrats is that they have no specific programs that distinguishes them from other parties. That doing well in times of crisis when the state is in debt and spending money has understood the ÖVP and really social, important issues are not dealt with by two very great efficiency. This will also mean that people have such a policy if they want to choose the ÖVP and the SPÖ.

I think a new party will not be necessary for the said constituencies to address. The question is to get the Green Party or the Social Democrats those votes. I think both parties the opportunity for social issues would have to enter as a higher top tax rate and an unconditional basic income. The social warmth but that is what distinguishes us from the U.S. and we really long time were very proud of and many people still are. One wonders indeed why the SPÖ dares not actively use for such issues, as the big earners, which would harm the choose not already SPÖ. If the Social Democrats after the next general election in the opposition (and I dare to predict times) they will probably have the courage to use for such issues. Until then, we must be patient comfortable.

would be nice also a change at the European level. ECT, but also the welfare and the welfare state is mentioned, but it will also be sought with the goal of a free market economy. If the EU basic model would be changed to a social market economy, that would be good for Europe, good for the Europeans.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

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oettinger für öyupp

"Full of energy, the future Commissioner is in the clip the accelerator. In the style of Edmund Stoiber leaves his tongue into racing as points pile. The unknown terrain, the higher the speed. Warnings it is passing cocky. This is not ' Worse than Wester Wave '. It's different. Exciting. Lustiger. More Better Ness. Öyupp For. "

Best described by the Berliner Zeitung what you see in this video impressive!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brazilian Wax Lawsuit

Gerechte Steuererhöhungen?

Hey Leute!

Also los mit meinem ersten Blog-Entry. Das Thema Steuererhöhungen liegt in der Luft, denn der Staat braucht Geld. Ist ja eigentlich auch logisch aufgrund der ganzen Konjunkturpakete, Einnahmenausfälle, Bankenpaket, ....

Die einhellige Meinung der Experten ist, dass der Finanzbedarf des Staates nicht allein über Einsparungen gedeckt werden wird können. Folglich die einzige logische Konsequenz: Steuererhöhungen

Ich finde das prinzipiell gut Steuern zu erhöhen . There are many people doing very well in this country and many have significantly more money than they need. But you should look for in the money at the right people cashing. Not for the poor, whose group in our country is increasing. And not the middle class (if there such a thing even exist?), As would also weaken the nonsense. So, for the rich to Beat!

How? Option 1 of a property tax !!!!!! Property taxes in Austria are among the lowest of all OECD countries. Is that reasonable? No! property tax! The first argument coming here often against (then already taxed income would be taxed again) I can refute. For it is long so that our income is taxed more than once. We pay income tax, then what is left of the value added tax, insurance tax, fuel tax, capital gains tax.

Option 2 is a change in the income tax system. I think you could raise the top tax rate slightly to 70%. Of course you can not just say: "Those who are paying 50% now, should then pay 70% of their income over 50,000." You would have to completely revise. One should also access the tax rate (der über 37 % liegt) senken und mehr Abstufungen schaffen. Und ich denke so ab 100.000 könnte man 60 % machen, ab 200.000 70 %. Wieso nicht?

Am wahrscheinlichsten ist aber leider eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertssteuer. Das ist am einfachsten durchzuführen und bringt die größten Einnahmenzuwächse. ABER sie ist die unfairste Steuer. Kleine Einkommen, die ihr ganzes Einkommen konsumieren MÜSSEN, zahlen dann prozentuell zu ihrem Einkommen mehr als Besserverdiener.

Eine Möglichkeit die mir noch einfällt wäre die Mehrwertsteuer zu staffeln. Von 0 % für Menschen die auch bei der Einkommenssteuer nichts zahlen bis hin for example, 40% for better-paid workers. This could be regulated by each get a card on which the data are saved for it. When paying at the cash comes after the aggregation of the net price the card into a terminal and the actual tax rate is applied. EU nationals can apply for a card so who would not like this and every other of his card when shopping has not paid the highest tax rate.
THEN value-added tax increases could be made socially just.

Pooh is quite long become the post, but the topic upsets me fairly. Comments are welcome.

Liebe Grüße
Euer Robert

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Full Frontal Brazilian Wax

die fdp, die mehrwertsteuer und das böse k-wort

Quite a few people laughing may already have passed, given the vehemence of liberal Steuersenkerei for their core clientele. For all other I did what - in (almost) any shape!

a picture - excerpt from the FDP General Catalog

a satirical text (?) - Of the Berliner Zeitung


a podcast , who also is with the recent and possible further tax gifts Donate Deals deals. Food 'yes nüscht!

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oettinger vs. westerwave

no (other) words ...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

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who the fuck is robert enke? oder: war was?

Hannover 96 today his coach Andreas Bergmann leave. A consequence of the recent "reporting"?

Since the death of Robert Enke has the team can not win a game more, but still collected in the first round a lot more points than Hertha BSC Berlin, the last year has not played for the championship. The suicide of the National goalkeeper had triggered a debate about the handling of professional footballers. And all the promised improvement, even the BILD newspaper!

claim and reality are far apart, but even with this topic at the Springer Journal. The "full-time loser" of Hannover 96 got after the game against bottom club all (!) A six. But apparently not sensitive you go, reported BILDblog .

Monday, January 18, 2010

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allüberall auf den tannenspitzen...

... I see wide grin Lobbyists sit!

for the outstanding cooperation with the hoteliers, who are happy about the decreased since the beginning of VAT on their oh-so-basic needs regular services, there were already pre a (Christmas) gift for CSU and FDP . Now, should the pharmaceutical companies put together a package for the government coalition, for how SPIEGEL recently reported ...

Roesler can reform lobbyists work

would indeed be a thing, when times have been one of the competent and knowledgeable officials had been instructed or maybe even a patient advocate!

Monday, January 11, 2010

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tschernobyl? ach, das ist weit weg...

Was there something? Well, if so, then it's been a long time . Moreover, the nuclear power so now is the big Klimaretter .

How important because quite a few barrels false declaration which may jeopardize the groundwater? middle of Germany way. Not to mention the fact that happened here was obviously very systematic. Speaking of system: one who knows it well, will be chief nuclear Overseer: Gerald Hennenhöfer . Previously he was indeed nuclear lobbyist, but everyone is supposed to have the chance for a fresh start!

And what do the Greens, meanwhile: a sit-in in Asse organisieren oder sich an die Fahrradständer vor dem Bundesumweltministerium ketten? Nein, sie feiern ihren dreißigsten Geburtstag; Claudia Roth bezeichnenderweise in einer Lederjacke mit der Aufschrift "Trau keinem über 30" . Ist das nun Selbsterkenntnis und Altersweisheit oder doch nicht ganz ernst gemeint?