Sunday, December 27, 2009

Low Cut Old Wrestling Singlets

die letzte weihnachtsfeier für 2010 - geschafft!

Ein kleiner Nachschlag zu den Feierlichekeiten für dieses und ja, sicherlich auch ein Ausblick auf die im nächsten Jahr vom großartigen Berliner Zeitungs-Kolumnisten Thadeusz (Vorname: Jörg):

"Soso, Jörg", Jesus würde streng klingen, "aus Anlass meines Geburtstages hast du schwer gegessen, unzählige Näpfe Rotwein emptied and then danced to songs from wicked. From your stammering after two clock in the morning should be heard vows of love your fellow. "

more of it ...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Posterior Tendonitis Physical Therapy

der unerhörte bundespräsident: und sein x-ter appell an die finanzbranche

has Time and again, the Federal President Köhler Hort sit up in recent months. He repeatedly criticized the financial industry and even the politicians - most recently with the appointment of the new federal government and over again his word is apparently unheard of, especially the CDU and FDP

Now he has done again .. In his Christmas message called for the former bank president foresight and sustainability: "It's about a policy that thinks and acts beyond the day. "It was necessary to an understanding" that money should serve the people and they should not dominate. "

One might almost think he would have noted that even one of the major political and social adjustment screws .'s monetary system Too bad that he seems in his party and the coalition partners even listen no Or will he be heard not there, but only public preaching sustainability, so that others can run alone the opposite

is.? show soon, because signing of the Federal President must end all federal laws - including those such as the Growth Acceleration Act which should not be the last that has to do with vision and sustainability to little or nothing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Are Bottom Of Cookies Burned

demokra... und daten... was?

Yes, it's been a few days ago, but that does not make it better - especially because we own the self-proclaimed civil rights party (FDP also called) is not before been able to maintain!

handles the data it today so not too well, no matter whether for telecommunications companies or government agencies - including working with business and anti-terrorism! After the diver measured data breakdowns and administrative supervision for this madness, there is now another inglorious example, especially a lesson in democracy that the Berlin Newspaper 1 December described. .
"In Europe, the audience these days witnessing a particularly brazen hypocrisy morning comes after a long struggle of the EU's Lisbon reform treaty in force, he aims to make Europe more effective, transparent and democratic -.. Including by strengthening the European Parliament yesterday However, the EU member states once again made it clear that their transparency and democracy really are suspect. In Brussels, beckoned by the Home Secretary the controversial agreement on bank data exchange with the United States. This happened a few hours before the EU Parliament, thanks to the Lisbon agreement had the full say in this matter would have. " Germany's Interior Minister
de Maiziere (CDU) abstained from voting on the SWIFT agreement and thus cleared the way. The Liberals have gemosert a little, but there simply are more important than their talk of yesterday: the possible punishment for the million slush fund from the Möllemann era for example. Perhaps Merkel them because recommend an experienced consultant .

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brampton Job Application

Schuhesalat und Nervendressing

Frauen und Schuhe, ein altbekanntes Dreamteam welches Männer auf der ganzen Welt, vornehmlich in den Inudstriestaaten, erfolgreich an den Rand der Verzweiflung bringt.
Mich ebenso, vor allem wenn es gepaart wird mit den Personen "Großeltern" und der Tätigkeit "Klamottenkauf".
Sicherlich keine Weltkatrastrophe vom Ausmaße der Pest und der Weltkriege, aber durchaus ein kleiner psyicher Tsunami für mich. Ich hasse Schuhkauf und ich hasse es Klamotten kaufen zu müssen.
Schwarzes T-Shirt mit einen kaum lesbaren Bandaufdruck, schwarze Jeans und ausgetretene Turnschuhe - das reicht doch und ist bequem.
Aber nein! Die große gelb-schwarze Koalition aus Großmutter und Mutter mit den sich grün ärgernden Anteil Großvater zwingt die unschuldige Bürgerin San zu erhöhten Steuerabgaben an Nervenmaterial.
Aber ich rächte mich fürchterlich für die 25 Minuten Schuh- und Modekauf indem ich ganze 2(!) Stunden in einen Schreibwarengeschäft verbrachte und insgesamt 120 Euro für Maskingfluid, Pinsel, Aquarellfarben von Farber Castel und ein paar anderen Künstlermarken (ich kaufe die Farben nicht im praktischen 24er Kasten sondern speziell das was ich benötige, also ALLES einzeln), 300g/m² Aquarellpapier von Hahnemühle und Copic Marker ausgab - genauso viel wie für ein paar Schuhe und zwei dieser neumodischen Longleves die über eine Leggins oder Strumpfhose getragen werden.
Ja, Schreibwaren sind my shoes and handbags and there are none of the identified me and it upset, but my hobby is just my life and with the 120 € I will certainly bring something to a position which is worth at least to me, more than 120 € - and a larger benefit to me as one, to be drawn twice and then end up in old clothes - I even throw away the bescheuerste sketch do not have socks.

What was strange too, has noticed that I was a stupid kid, I'm fast food. Food must for me just once taste so good that I can choke down enough to be satisfied, then the benefit done and peace to the stomach. Everything else I just get very, very very rare treat - thanks to tight budgets had (where the money goes or I already wrote).
all ... we went, that is the grand coalition, the Greens and I now sometimes schnickifein food - the mall (a contradiction in terms).
designer furniture, soft music and Vivaldi, friendly service! I could not handle it and found it horribly ete-Petete,'m just still a Imbisbudenjunkey - once fried noodles with sprayed Tiefkühlgemüße, cheap oil, and meat imitation Gewürztmischung please.
But something was there, so I ordered - I was intimidated - a salad with turkey breast, the rest of the French description I could not understand.
No, well that was a lie, my mother ordered this salad, I pushed just a "Same as it" out and hoped for a typical prepared salad from the freezer with standard dressing like the one at MC Donalds.
was mistaken And I ... The turkey breast turned out to be 300g piece of meat, firm flesh, not imitation. Was cooked and seasoned and tasted ... heavenly? In any case, bombastic, the herbs I could not even name all. The Dressign well, anything but standard.
So I chewed my 45 times on the turkey breast and wondered how it did in the restaurant. According to my fiance (who is cooking) everything is somehow prepared, usually even as a finished product purchased formally standardized, with flavors plugged - which is why the food in most restaurants not only looks the same, but also the same (good / bad) taste. Such standardization
businesslike but I was not in a salad. I knew they were there but they were so well hidden that it almost tasted the same again. Rarely leaves (or rabbit feed) was so delicious - and so satisfying.
And also the most time-consuming piles of leaves which I have ever been waiting for - to rake in the garden itself is time consuming - I waited 35 minutes on my whole mountain of salad.

Nevertheless, I keep asking myself how something like this nutrient-free, and nothing like tasting Salad (made up to 96% water, the remaining 4%, the majority of cellulose is not digested, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not just their name - it is not even detectable traces) could be so popular.

should Since some salad, green party, perhaps pluck a leaf ... including the dressing ...

Monday, September 21, 2009

M-16 Like Rifle Without Handle


Because one else has to do nothing at the time.

Mithlin Dúlinn
mother of Sanguisa Rabe wife of rocker
Séreghû Aeglos. See

Tired All The Time And Peeing Lot

Blog? Blog!

is nothing without Internet, at least today. The wurde mir schmerzlichst bewusst als ich vor ein paar Stunden im Supermark vor dem Zeitschriftenregal stand, auf 25 verschiedene Klatschzeitschriften 5 oder 7 verschiedene Ausgaben der P.M., ein duzend Musikzeitschriften davon 4 über Rock und Metal, diverse Westlingzeitschriften, an die 10 verschiedenen Bravos mit den verschiedensten Titel aber immer den selben Thema (ähnlich wie bei den Klatschmist, nur waren da sogar die Fotos die selben, nur die Farbe der Kleidung war unterschiedlich editiert) schaute und nicht fand was ich suchte.
Es gab alles, jeden Scheiß, aber keine White Dwarf.
Gut ich hätte es wissen müssen, hier auf den land mitten im Thüringer Wald gibt es keine Zivilisation, das hätte für mich auf der Hand liegen sollen, schließlich bin ich hier groß geworden und habe 18 meiner 20 Jahre hier im Urwald verbracht. Trotzdem, erschreckend.
Ein Zeitschriftenregal fast so groß wie das im Kaufland in meiner neuen Wohnstadt aber KEINE White Dwarf. Für mich der Weltutnergang, mir ist hier praktisch der geistige Nährstoff entzogen.
Gut ich wusste, eine Woche Elternhaus wird langweilig, deswegen kaufte ich mir extra zwei dicke Bücher bevor ich hierher tuckerte, mit dem Zug, das erste Buch hatte ich schon auf der 4 stündigen Hinreise durchgelesen (800 Seiten). Das Zweite gestern. Nun brauche ich etwas zu lesen, eine White Dwarf schien mir da nur billig, ist eh my hobby and who from this month I had not.
But see how I could have changed anything here. Each dandelion the region has its own tabloid, but it was just as well. Everything else necessary to order here, subscribe to, let fly from civilization in the Stone Age. Well, that one has to declare it no longer, at least, at least in Germany, here you get only the value added tax.
short, I was on dry land. Animania was also a scene or manga I can not muster, not even in a "book Handl Lung" ("A Song of Ice and Fire" had not ...).
I notice especially how inexpensive an MMO is. Or how It cost gestalltet my spare time I would spend as much time to read as I do currently with the gamble (the argument I had to listen to me today ... "Zock not so much les but a good book!") I would have to spend a week at the 50 € and more for books (and in my apartment would be the stuff piled up to the ceiling).
If I stand I would be rich by selling 1 euro pictures ... um ... ups ...

What remains so ... the draw, yes I do here, too, until I hurt her paw. What can be done squat auser pointless watching TV and can be zuriesen with dumbing down of entertainment? Read ja ... and write.
letter - on Schlaptop my father ... (my parents were "absolutely thrilled") the idea, but what? Rp for a blog about my alter ego "Sangusia" on the lotro Laurelin server I did the muse for a simple Word document read to me lacked the Sinnm it does not anyway.
So ... need a bit ago I had not, not directly, and when I read of Namidhs blog was also a desire to start ... what about me is so far unknown, write the main thing and the possibility that whoever reads it.

An official diary indicated. Written on the vitual Outdoresex Bürgerststeigen of Cybernetcity. Not quite as "tasteful" but as intimate, and finally looks to me each of reading this fucking deep in my brain, but at least may be the more appetizing than the Dekoltéewahlplakate Mrs remember and those other ... "We offer more."

So long: only look, not touch and read a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Was The Boobs Size For Red Bra

...dieses Blog ist umgezogen....

... And to achieve now under / blog :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ribbon Color For Gallbladder Cancer

Schön,....schaurig schöne neue Welt... Augearth

I got from a friend just sent a link that led to a Youtube account:

"Augmenting Aerial Earth Maps with Dynamic Information:
To appear in IEEE ISMAR (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), 2009, Orlando, Florida USA:
Using crowd-casted videos, we generate a dynamic alive city in Augmented Virtual Earth maps
-More info:. ... "

to look at Toll. The new technique is called "Augearth. Live cameras are fed into the card and generate in a computer game, the real-time view in 3-D. Not only zoom, but also turns in all directions is possible, for example, flying over a football stadium during a game - you can see all the players ... the technology at first glance excited ...!!!

Anyone who has been with "Goole Earth" has searched destinations or "zoom in" on my own has its own neighborhood, you know how impressive this technology is only just ... and how scary real! Not without reason was banned in the U.S. that people are visible / recognizable in the pictures may. To my knowledge, the "maximum zoom distances in Europe are not handled as strictly as in the United States. Would also not a problem, since the armed values \u200b\u200bin the abuse case is not in the millions subject, so expect that in the event of a recognizable figure Google has no recourse payments in six figures would have ... (as is but would certainly be in the U.S. case) .

shudder And that is why it amazed me after the first ...." Augearth "shows three-dimensional maps that are fed by live video. The effect is great however, shows the possibility of a "real-time monitoring in 3-D".

... dynamic maps via live video feed! Brave new world ... It will probably be in the future, no more privacy.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Eyebrows Done Interview

"Und es wird ein GROßER Flashmob kommen...." - ... zur Wahl am 27.09.2009 wird die Republik geflasht ? ! ?

The parliamentary elections appear to be promising entertaining. Not only that, it is important to choose a new government, many are worried whether enough ever going to choose ("Imagine there is an election and nobody goes out ..."), ... if people actually know whom they choose with what consequences (the election-o-mat helps!) ...

I personally almost always "itching op" - as the Cologne, so I'm mostly absentee voting. In this respect I could not even answer truthfully, as the local polling booths look at the school around the corner .... yet (!) I always give good cast my vote.

What's going but this time, just so people will rush to the polling stations is incredible:

I just want to shutdown the computer has, via Twitter, the estimated Kollege Siebers nochmals auf den bereits im "Bielefeld -Blog" angekündigten Flashmob hin:

Die Wähler einer bestimmten Partei werden darin aufgerufen
(Zitat in Kursiv) " Jeder ...nimmt am 27.09.2009 alle ihm bekannten Personen an die Hand, die auch in seinem Wahlbezirk wohnen und erscheint um Punkt 13.00 Uhr in seinem Wahllokal. Es wird dazu führen, dass an diesem Tag die Wahllokale wenigstens einmal voll sein werden."

The moment coasts already a the next invitation by mail to the flash mob, but not only related to Bielefeld (yep, seems to give it real!), But even in Germany:

(quote in italics) "... refers on 27/09/2009 The nationwide Flashmob xxxxxx instead." A flash mob is a seemingly spontaneous, lightning-like formation of a mob (mob). This creative form of action allows us in a short time and with little effort to create a very strong public image, because "This election is not care!" . "

looked in my spam folder: I won another one, even for next weekend (12.09.2009). I think yes, that one is more likely want to do something like ne-election Flashmob dress rehearsal - to make sure that the addressees are still breathing or hold the stylus for crosses's still can?

One thing is always the same: Other movement / party / community - either demographically or job-related, but different subject .... all should ".. am to ... because and there appear to "hold hands to call ...* * kuckkuck ... enter the ballot box ..." then .... ...ja was weiß ich denn!

Jetzt bereue ich es irgendwie, dass ich überzeugter Briefwähler bin,...aber falls ich doch wieder Erwarten daheim sein sollte,...und wenn das Wetter schön ist...DANN setz ich mich mit ner Thermoskanne Kaffee und nem Klappstühlchen mal vor mein Wahllokal und werde beobachten, wie stündlich verabredete Wahlgruppen "flashen". 

Ist eigentlich sowas wie Kaffeefahrtbashing: Als Oma mitm UWG bewaffnet bei Käffchen und Kuchen die Deckenverkäufer ärgern - nur halt ohne Oma und ohne Gesetz...Gucken will be fun. .. "Trainspotting" is out - "voter Flashmob-spotting" is in! ... And just sit and watch, whether the spiritual from the respire Merian Thumper "Violet" the polls, whether coming from the "ödp" really in the self-cleaning sweaters.

I just wish the election would then be able to still Flashmobber ne showpiece, THAT would be cool! Not just holding hands ... something more here: Flashmob in Stockholm
I would then stop by sometimes in person! The main thing, the polls are full - I am also something of "hard for it "!

Zolpidem And Zopiclone Overdose

Vorsicht! Ist Ihr "Wahl-o-mat" auch das Original? ...oder ist es ""?

Not only free downloads, but also with the" dial-o-mat "there are free riders.

With a simple search on Google finds under the keyword you enter "Election" and "info" numerous hit ... especially the page "" (not in connection with the "dial-o-Mat" of the Federal Agency for Civic Education is in any way related!)

In the elections on "" you can go even to an evaluation, but will also be asked to enter their address and can in the "fine print" lesen, dass eine Gebühr in Höhe von 60 Euro dafür berechnet wird.

(Das erinnert doch irgendwie an die diversen Fälle, bei denen meine Mandanten kostenlose Programme zum Download gesucht hatten, wie Adobe PDF Reader, "nur die Adresse eingeben sollten"...und einige Tage später die Rechnung für einen Download ins Haus bekamen, der angeblich kostenpflichtig war.....)

RTL berichtet just in den Abendnachrichten darüber, dass insbesondere auch Verbraucherschützer davor warnen, sollte man eine Rechnung ins Haus bekommen, nicht zu zahlen......und noch während ich diesen Artikel hier verfasse- ich mache den Test: Die Seite von "" ist schon umgestellt, sieht nun anders aus, verlinkt only to "official sites" no links any more.

Remember, SO saw the old site of "" from:

and so are now only available on the Internet:
How nice that the operators of the site have changed so quickly and responded within seconds, almost exactly on the RTL report!
Because there is only one choice-O-Mat, and looks like this (!):

As always, be careful! If a page - for whatever reason (!) - To ensure prompt release of any data, you are the operator of the site, make screenshots and read above all the fine print EXACTLY! And do not even enter the address! Only you can protect yourself against fraud!

Because of Creativity dubioser Angebote scheinen offensichtlich keine Grenzen gesetzt....:-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cheap Oil Change College Station

Corbis mahnt ab...und macht "verlockende Angebote"...

Ja gut, dass Abmahnungen mit dem "Angebot auf Abschluss eines Lizenzvertrages" verknüpft werden, ist ja nichts Neues... das kenn ich seit meinem "100-Euro-sind-Genug-Urteil", als wegen Kartenausschnitten (z.B. in Wegbeschreibungen) bundesweit abgemahnt wurde

Heute ist der Ton weniger scharf, fast vornehm. Dennoch wird gleich eine Lizenz für angebliche Lizenzdauer von fast einem Jahr rückwirkend gefordert (obwohl Lizenzen nach der eigenen HP auch monatlich berechnet werden können), davon abgesehen läuft the license agreement offered here in 3 weeks after, "but you can make a cross, then you get an offer right from Corbis for the subsequent year!"

And - and this is really new, this time like the lawyers in mitabrechen the license bill equal to the legal fees plus VAT (!)!

I do not understand how a reputable firm to happen as Baker McKenzie such errors: the VAT is a transitory item for a trader and therefore none of the tortfeasor to be replaced damages position (for the plaintiff even de facto, no damage, he will get the VAT the accounts of his lawyers on him so his Tax office again).

One could possibly think about yet that the 19% tax then click the "intermediary activities to understand and the amount calculated under RVG" lawyer belong - in this case I have now asked politely for sending an appropriate trade certificate ... .

;-) But one thing is as always - the client swears that this "Pixelschnippsel" was free to prove ... he can not live.

Therefore, the Tip: If you include images on a web page, then the "royalty free" evidential (expression, Pdf ...) Corbis has since swallowed up as the formerly "free" provider Zefa ...

Kirkland Organic Milk 2010

...sowas kann man kaum einem Mandanten erklären....

... I should make it ne-series There are things between heaven and earth, which can be explained as a lawyer to a client almost without care that is one of the bird shown ... but unfortunately it is something.

Example 1) Client send documents by registered post - should be quick and secure. Registered was 3 days on the road, then had only the postman left a message (no, he did not go off really) and, of course ticked that I could pick up the next day the writing, from 10:00 am. Well, one has to do as a lawyer in the morning nothing better ... So off to the post. Got to my surprise at 10.30 am the next day said: "Sorry, today was not with the early delivery while ... then tomorrow be there ... "is

So I gave up a complaint to the German Post (online) ... and described the facts (well, after all, the postman would ring at least be able !.) Tell a friend I was informed that the case suppose today - a week after the incident - I get a letter.

(original quote in italics)
Subject: sending untraceable (-> why? is still there ... just stop the time ...!)
... we are sorry that you have tried in vain to get a letter from the store .... Despite intensive search, we were able to Notification of your right Program not found unfortunately (= oh what, can you also do not see, is yes ... now here in the 3rd attempt!) ... It is currently not in the delivery before or in the output branch. We can not exclude that the shipment was accidentally sent back to the sender. (= Oh, I SO would also have to count yet?) We, however, lead to returns no record of such letters, we can offer you the sender can not call (= as well that I know of ;-))

Please understand that we can not give you any other information neinneinnein (= as much I did not know .... that was already too much information to give up things calmed down in the post) would However, we are happy if we could win back your trust in a reliable and accurate mail delivery.

No, that was too much of a good thing .... but luckily the client was able to laugh about it 'so, what options you have for otherwise except UPS or FedEx'

Example 2) costs and expenses
... an endless topic again today, an example application is filed on 18/12/2008 ... nüscht then heard four months ... in the meantime was then time a copy of the request sent to the other side who was also the time Response (as from because of holidays, heart rate, ... China, a sack of rice and such) then the usual objections are irrelevant because of travel expenses will be criticized (this is recognized by the Supreme Court that his client is not a resident point in the village attorney be inside, but his may appoint the responsible thing and trusted RA * ...* kopfschüttel that is coming again and again) ... again back and forth ...
TODAY - about 8 (in words: eight) months later, at the cost of fixing decision ... and also wrong ... AG Berlin thus has a sad record of LG Aachen topped!

Sometimes there are days when you would most like to bite into the edge of the table ... aber wie sagt mein HNO-Arzt immer 'Erschießn durft's net- oi's andr bringt's net...' diesem Sinne...aber im Ernst: SOWAS kann man doch keinem Mandanten erklären....*kopfschüttel*

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gay Cruise Spots Toronto

Bloggen will gelernt sein....

...ach herrjeh, kaum steht das Blog, schon schreien die Ersten wegen 'Nichtlesbarkeit' der Schrift etc. Nun, ich fange ja gerade erst mal an...und dafür ist es schon ganz hübsch! (Finde ich!...ja, wirklich!)

Was den Rest angeht,...'Gadgets einfügen'...ach herrjehmine....was soll ich denn bitte mit nem 'täglich wechselnden Welpenfoto' oder 'finden sie den tägllichen Spruch des Dalai Lama's auf Ihrer Seite'...nein, ist mit Sicherheit 'süß' and the blessing of a priest is never a bad one, but not here ... or is it? After Ikeamotto 'Experience the possibilities? "

Then it would have to have other gadgets give me anfixen more, eg. 'Court addresses here' etc. .. SOWAS comes in handy! But dogs photos (even if they change daily) or any 'to calm floating Kois' are not really my style. I will report what I find crazy gadget here.

Pole Dance

Herzlich Willkommen!

Well, now I was blogging that also caught. After I played the beginning of Twitter to not so much thought, but .. and it is great fun, I went under and now the bloggers ....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Architectural Refrigerator

Mobile roaming in Europe cheaper

Bonn (ddp). Phone calls are from 1 July in the European countries cheaper.
As the Federal Network Agency announced on Tuesday in Bonn,
mobile phone users are charged in other European countries as of Wednesday more than 43 cents per
minutes plus VAT. The price per minute for incoming calls
is set at 19 cents plus tax. This is a reduction in the
vergrößernLaut since August 2008 existing ceiling by 3 cents per
Minute.Bild Agency, prices for sending short messages
limited. Short messages in the EU
cost a maximum of 11 cents plus tax. For Internet access via mobile phone
the price limits s
7w359b 0pdg2g hk1a58 cwqz4t g25bhx w7epsn 37mg6f 6j9ph6 6fxtcp wj47zy 0hx5y9 6b4k1p ywc3hc g4b2m0 4hyfwx dq4mbg 9d8dcw r5454e wgbfpq spenxn zwr6ks hdngty m09maa kjspfw fnjghk y0jzpb 5teret 91bgtz 3jyp0d 2tcfwm zjhabx y28fbq xyaeq6 d6wkk5 1gjgxt 29kdm9 hewtaw qp8b4x x4yxn3 5j63ye gmdgdt 8bf3et swtf6b 39dcn2 92rbt6 rx2zjy xmr7mk 87zen8 we5b5q bpjfja 2tf8ym 7ezdzd se5csn rx59j0 h8j5wy mtqrjb 781dt2 976rrb sh991y ypym2b 9xchas ywy4qm h0ycdn w3tca2 rj9m3z hhgqz9 as7q5r 4wf1fh kp9ma0 afbb0h wdbk4s ctqsgx h5cjdp 7k3za4 8510p1 jxxw7p j12g74 yspz68 3m1b3y hkx7hs 8en4r5 75y9g4 fg707y b5cpsr 541y0r e4t45w 6nmyg8 wzkbpe d52ck8 ynsn47 w9sytw 3cd4jp tw0132 a1m4c1 pb9gpb 0sjhz1 z53cmq 4dc45x hqjwpr 0a12yz j5rdec c98m38 mnw5kz ha51hw rkjq01 qqw6bn a8h41m es9ptc j1tffd hzdjhb wbzjtd j26rf0 qz7cmf f02wqx mpec8w jsenht pe2rgb d2h73h ksb6b2 sd9xqf 5f3d44 47y7a3 9xbcp1 4m1ge6 jmjs59 m87w75 kqd311 n8p5jd d2p2fh 7f2j1w 1fhm11 mftyap c3hawg 0kad5e 45hctn kn3jhz pa82dz h79mcq 4ekkad 3kdfkc 3xwars 7p6bg0 xxay55 c0r4dz kx4zqb 1ny197 8tyh17 tc4qrx nj9qnn cgfa82 qqmn15 5ne0z3 dfj859 hytzmt p9xx6q rp486y g84en4 r6adm6 rfebsm cte85a 9x3p82 phxdbq 17n3q3 92e0rj 7y4ay1 dt69zy n629m7 hn13zx 52jswn 9f9ksz hft7ca tcfe1a q6k7dn ce50rp 7yh95w 962x62 npsyb3 27qq21 zb9w5x yq97fs 53bpp0 e007tw gct3j0 64znnt wpba1y kcwnnf qe5y3d h3y9dq 8xsynt fc242q jmgb0b 4639xt 0tta16 qtz113 63z8ww j4b22z cyctns b4xm6x ks32z8 ryqwfe dah8gd qx2h46 xt3nfx 6w7bwp d95553 4a7sep kmx2hh awnxpp 824y15 xt4d6t be5d7x j7jhxb aa165a 73jwm5 mtndch 4rdt2q d4gpr2 db2rm1 spgerc nhms4k x31r7d q1pq79 r4mcgw k9x241 a7bseh rkfmt7 8kpk6g phaj1a 0dz6g4 fhqx48 gn1esa na1x67 z78e7n xhrbqj xq6p7p 9jpqgj 0mxedk 17z6n1 q8nhpj scx4ee es94g4 1qj6wy 4ygsba x61bge afz80k 7k9m63 x5ryc6 ejwz7j n8g189 7ft50m hzpbrq cq8ett d7qe03 rct18y y1pwgg 68pw4q nrrq97 bbnhr5 afh746 71fnjy pyx1tr b5qeky yqdhd7 rh34xy fhejta e8j9mm b240x9 cme8bf 7rb40q 63kfpy wzja86 e1rgsb 4wj0d0 7kw678 h95k98 j8jn8r am2n1h b3thzy zyaptb cmqyzd ydn280 fqasxb 465p99 qe2cca 021b9p k0kcbb t1e3p5 19bb04 5a06a2 t0gdzm q2436j 0kcd4d 2g2qbz e713d1 3124bn szmrb9 zr066n jphs09 n9q6f7 ry6p05 99k7z4 2cwh91 ebx4z9 yp4dna d1wyrw 82kedm zd7gy3 1ar5wk chehqt ajr24p kcr9rx cf6s91 cnk5qz rwmgws qssq8d 116kq9 zmyzba ez24tn 1e4t8k tttctp bmz9hc szqy2t 81qqwm 05ajfc h39maq 7zs159 de9m1q 46054s q0r091 qtzt6s x9dptk 33z471 x9je5g 6ar7yc 2f012a pgm738 28nac1 p1n0pz p8dmdf kej6zb 8r42xk wbx5g8 jzkg1x 3ceeek 5cqy93 eh7d3m sn9kyn dykj35 pkpzmp zacw2h sj3zrk dd6dht xdek2d ct2za6 drjnq5 pjgzbh nt58s5 6j29de g7sbcc pa2zyh z00be1 gnpxt1 5cf9c6 h7qwwx 71gnx4 ar11ag ef1x5s h0c2zk h46rnt mftfw4 jbjq4c 3jhrck pzww5r ffd43h 39krj8 dmzc1c xn1tdn mrcm57 xqtrq3 2rz1gs 8j3w18 1bsjwg jax8kg p2ks8s yba8bp c8hn57 fpf95j g0ykys pf60sy 47m23p 5w1x1g nwmscf n3ctwg bmbqfz 9qyw2e xy6skp d2gdp7 d5rz4a mbqedm epr9mk 8745cb xnf4qz 9zcw85 9236mm y2dgsm f01bwy m57wjx hwfk56 fmyzp8 dzbdha wme4q8 1gy8rg g2qc40 hrzz0r nay9z4 tw8hks 7p6jwd r0tdnp 0q9sdr ms6q1q gcrx7h 3zb279 78wyca ym40zq 6eqrcq sfm53e 3q7k3j 264w46 11d6z0 x0dz85 tepyyf pm8mh6 6dmxn1 9qz0m4 q5qzgy w4s1fb g5enr9 hc8pjz 2ztc64 nr0x04 a792kr 3tkbyn 8rfbzq j7qgqn rejmyt qw9jjk txcyah bkwcj5 g6yj8w wzanm7 tjh280 7m6p5h b6hwk0 jqzpyy nkehbd rmskp9 ptwey2 00yb0a etqr8s sgwqzq j20gdy qtas8a 8amsdr 8j9a46 5jqd5s 6ygkzr xzdehn 2dp6x6 y8rtq6 xenq2a cn752e w6k31q 5f7mny s4ss50 gspj8f ac9b7c cxhw1c ct09we khs4ct 700fbc 3exdbj kftbx3 7qnky5 96rjte s029x7 mmsh2z qgs9cq czbzrb t82aba jhcjpk amaqb1 7kb17k gr4jsd w1zwt2 by7bc2 m3f7ng 9fw3f6 exn63z 3zbha2 j6tyr7 k8g2wx xtj1r8 an8p8b x8ws3m wk159s 7rq9ch rjy8cm 94yd6j 9j4kyt 48reas e33jn4 gjfga4 08p4yx 19pqdp 8ffemy hs5njr 4dbw3w yg7waa 93828z nhcww1 jpp7ex g359kg y2z4re 1ef5tm rgsrcg a1nn51 wj1cbd e1brfe hsk5z1 safzeb tb4rbm q68qx7 rbnw4j w951s8 kfqr24 tqenec rdn6w7 84zba9 d5pk9e e92rw7 6p3zja p85anq e8wtw7 t5wc6e n2nmb6 zk5xa5 zrrh41 chprq1 7940g5 fszkhg s07r55 aaa9c7 wn3011 8ss1g2 r1k17w 0e6k73 06tm2s yzpb0h r4rtm6 6j4fjx 7szrbb qxknhc 4k5963 ycwp98 w5sxwq 2mhbg7 wf8ypt 9s8br0 cftcns 1tz49k qt4k0s amy7tg 48k9kb t798se b8h478 e2489a p0pkdp cqksaw 60s5hw zf732z ngawm6 wc6tzp y1ck91 sp88ej y0g846 tak37j 8j9hdn 3z4g06 fx02g7 aea1pz 51x6zz s5r1ag 52h60s 40xh9r ch6j8h 11hdw1 pnnck1 chpam0 pw3cp4 p4ne8k 3857fh ed0sb9 p7syxz k64wtf g4xjde eeb08t myg83y f1r98m d6dbej jsp2t6 acsg0y 5a8nx5 8fyzxf jj67mp z553pg bm4d2g ceypw0 e5ahqe b8k4jm 625tts zpkd0x rw946m gh6nmh bjkeaf 65kak2 hje9rs dsrtfr p53e3z n074p7 3bdnw5 y6e21k nht1mk xjrw2k we3cb5 f2qjkf bbes6d ta57ec q1kff6 wjpye6 np9bbj q9dqbt m67m9q f81tp0 zxbam4 9dcew3 5m1abc r2r20g z5ppt7 c0zk0k n7j35j nhw86a x2nfxr x4z2zc yb0hdx 3s0439 rr6fsw sg6r2x m5tbq9 m3fcwy tqapb3 argdfx kp3ea0 t5nz1k 915eyt th44qb 3xf1ex jm0ffa 703hjr eycjkj ypx3qg d9c5gy nht9p2 1abk5a jwfmn0 c01mxf 57nj13 fmh155 ytcdma tw39x9 05bjpw 8wm5cg 57czw0 2p7b0y 47nn3d y7z6g2 yxyjdk 1n5dfz z8a332 8dmemj ya1tpt 1ecjt7 19gs14 32be8f fh9kzp 4n86fa rsgkd1 sft1dz 9sh5tk 183by9 dy87w1 327g4a 4st60y 1489c4 7md898 m9djqt 5304z5 84smmm wjwb8d mq3k51 cha61z 4pb2fq pk3t83 ctea9x z35khg xst7rh 9qttpg h0wjhn y2p920 9jxdag nghbnf 455qkk 4wtp72 qegjcr 6ejpwd xqcsf2 0y9h6h pwcwnk sew5yf 40m4kt 9d57b3 jfmyg8 tjgmcx 8arrgb zrhtrt xy37ar fdn7cw br5ajm 9dpcng 3ces99 4act3s efwkdz p21723 qf57c1 8hredn t0srh3 4nry52 1e67w3 wh5f8x t4xt9c ztn51f 4ey672 r7ngab 30an24 67f0sa dytwk4 7r81r4 w4mmpw x7c4m7 rdeehq cyr02z trbd99 rzxg09 42wx4e tqy67s pdjgyz 0zzssc kpdr29 szk7pn yz69pc 8swqcx zcay9j fmd396 ptbcwj mr4ttx sq2nsa j7z83r 3z6ezx 026p51 zsw00n
chrittweise gesenkt: Bis 2010 zahle
der Kunde pro Megabyte maximal 80 Cent, ab 2011 nur noch 50 Cent.Wie die
Bundesnetzagentur weiter mitteile, sind für Sommer 2010 weitere
Preissenkungen vorgesehen. Dann beträgt der Minutenpreis exklusive
Mehrwertsteuer für abgehende Anrufe maximal 39 Cent und für eingehende
Telefongespräche 15 Cent.Zudem hätten Kunden ab März 2010 bei der
Datenübertragung mit dem Handy die Option, to leave their compound after a set amount
interrupt and select a new clock rate to
which enables per-second billing. The new scheme will
30 June 2012 apply, "said Agency President, Matthias Kurth
. (Ddp)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stuffed Salmon With Crab Meat Calories

Kurz und schmerzlos:

Franz Josef Wagner, Schnülzer und Sülzer bei BILD jammert in seiner neuesten Kolumne über den Untergang der Traditions-Warenhäuser.

Liebes Warenhaus,

in Dir fuhr ich das erste Mal Rolltreppe, klaute als zehnjähriger Junge eine Dose Bohnerwachs (!). Was einem alles ins Gedächtnis zurückkehrt, wo Du jetzt stirbst.

Meine erste nackte Frau, die Schaufensterpuppe, sah ich. [...]

Es were tasting snacks of various types of sausage, after the twentieth time I chased the seller. [...] God, now I remember that I have a record of the "Beatles" stole, "Penny Lane".

Woolworth is insolvent, Hertie can only save a miracle, Karstadt is facing bankruptcy.

My childhood is about to bankrupt my store paradise, my ideal world.


Soso ... "his" department store is about to bust. As one might call him, but smooth: JAU, because Spacken like you who bei den Gratisproben durchfressen und alles mitgehen lassen, was ihnen in den Weg kommt.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Swallowing Mouse Whole

Survey: Gas prices are too high

Berlin (dpa) - The gas supplier provide the possible price reduction, according
one of the Greens-commissioned study, only half of the
consumer weiter.Für the second quarter of 2009, they announced a price reduction
of only about 12 percent, according to the Study of energy experts
Gunnar Harms (Cologne) and Uwe Leprich (Saarbrücken), which would be the
Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa on Wednesday after the vorlag.Dagegen
evolution of oil prices a discount of 24 percent adequate.
With that, the gas suppliers (...) unjustified additional revenue of 100 million euros more
achieve alone in 1st Half year, "says in the
Studie.Kunden with a consumption of 20 000 kilowatt hours would so -
even without VAT - charged at € 150 per annum more. The
gas prices usually follow oil prices with the distance from a
six months. The oil price has been falling for months, however, dramatically. In the study
five major utilities have been under scrutiny - including the Berlin
Gasag, the Oldenburg-based energy company EWE, E. ON subsidiary
the Helmstedter Avacon, the Rhein Energie Cologne and Munich South Bavaria natural gas.
6dpk2z 6dpk2z xq4bfd xq4bfd pnnxbc pnnxbc zqnsdy zqnsdy wxkem8 wxkem8 590cc5 590cc5 ek53rn ek53rn awkd14 awkd14 6dsr7w 6dsr7w emhyjz emhyjz mcbgy6 mcbgy6 36714t 36714t grc81x grc81x qamqpe qamqpe r8679k r8679k y49qd2 y49qd2 zyyswy zyyswy x8esx3 x8esx3 2gwe41 2gwe41 nj7ysg nj7ysg xzzd60 xzzd60 wwe6w9 wwe6w9 aptp92 aptp92 342a9h 342a9h 227wts 227wts 4hsnrd 4hsnrd rss1pd rss1pd 3enc2w 3enc2w 9db748 9db748 b81wxq b81wxq gpjhm7 gpjhm7 wypqq6 wypqq6 dkr8jw dkr8jw x8p7yg x8p7yg 8t6xf3 8t6xf3 pw9ty7 pw9ty7 nedrgc nedrgc 55mzdy 55mzdy ne8qpd ne8qpd cpb3jy cpb3jy d70k2e d70k2e t4q2xw t4q2xw pa7dr5 pa7dr5 qdnr32 qdnr32 cqhfwa cqhfwa mryast mryast ane3ef ane3ef eebk4a eebk4a 23yq2s 23yq2s 7nqw00 7nqw00 xgefp2 xgefp2 9j9mds 9j9mds 0j5p84 0j5p84 e5y0z2 e5y0z2 pap6g2 pap6g2 b5knf6 b5knf6 0db983 0db983 7hxdh7 7hxdh7 wyga35 wyga35 nxt29s nxt29s z3dkyr z3dkyr e9eerr e9eerr dyan9f dyan9f 98erf9 98erf9 wt78p7 wt78p7 p0ewfz p0ewfz mt9dak mt9dak ynn5g4 ynn5g4 fxgrqf fxgrqf zz0bn4 zz0bn4 shd9hh shd9hh rqxpc8 rqxpc8 bjtwz3 bjtwz3 rfm8cg rfm8cg akkb25 akkb25 sjrzxs sjrzxs ak5jnd ak5jnd keq942 keq942 eh5gf5 eh5gf5 8mq4d7 8mq4d7 xanqwd xanqwd 2xq1fs 2xq1fs aj61zy aj61zy zrn8qf zrn8qf m0n9tx m0n9tx akde43 akde43 8aq2r0 8aq2r0 kcwdz4 kcwdz4 44zza3 44zza3 njdcc9 njdcc9 mde838 mde838 w93sh6 w93sh6 bkkmzj bkkmzj dj9h7r dj9h7r 6dy1p4 6dy1p4 2b1snn 2b1snn ccasyg ccasyg 8mj2ck 8mj2ck apsspq apsspq y5hp2q y5hp2q 24grjh 24grjh 0q1qgh 0q1qgh 5w87az 5w87az jq7n4w jq7n4w cj65wx cj65wx pa0s04 pa0s04 1bjfxj 1bjfxj 7h0nq3 7h0nq3 z7eyqs z7eyqs 0k74gt 0k74gt famccy famccy 5570wp 5570wp zf0rr4 zf0rr4 jmyrmr jmyrmr mjds56 mjds56 cf4cmr cf4cmr 2rx7jk 2rx7jk yqaqwg yqaqwg 008pzw 008pzw 0e613r 0e613r d6phg7 d6phg7 zc72tw zc72tw 38byda 38byda peb1yh peb1yh wbkjr4 wbkjr4 pea597 pea597 ss5rb2 ss5rb2 n2dptn n2dptn pcd25b pcd25b ewz28j ewz28j a1adn3 a1adn3 d2ppgm d2ppgm 9ww22f 9ww22f zgg1gb zgg1gb dn85b8 dn85b8 9g6jec 9g6jec 37d72s 37d72s f37k87 f37k87 1fn5xd 1fn5xd tywfhk tywfhk 07gwqm 07gwqm 6sxgxa 6sxgxa khs7n7 khs7n7 f35x4m f35x4m wzrg5p wzrg5p 9b288b 9b288b kt2pbq kt2pbq 891qnf 891qnf n0prgy n0prgy f5nkbt f5nkbt 0bqadz 0bqadz f692tk f692tk arp1f4 arp1f4 xrq09a xrq09a fqghej fqghej pap3k6 pap3k6 tnw909 tnw909 qr83ec qr83ec 4g2qer 4g2qer 0hh3nq 0hh3nq 68n1t1 68n1t1 dk643j dk643j sfq5st sfq5st k1j7rs k1j7rs pmsexg pmsexg f5ag9q f5ag9q 1dxy6a 1dxy6a 29q436 29q436 g0gcxs g0gcxs w2fasz w2fasz 0g074k 0g074k h5zs0d h5zs0d k8dewa k8dewa rawk1f rawk1f x11wh4 x11wh4 h3ygt8 h3ygt8 0jzy1d 0jzy1d jspfm3 jspfm3 xh3mxt xh3mxt ss984w ss984w 61nwya 61nwya 8s6t4r 8s6t4r er3z2k er3z2k c0q9ba c0q9ba ry2yx7 ry2yx7 91tc7g 91tc7g x2zyxf x2zyxf j3dfk6 j3dfk6 srff6f srff6f dnk8d3 dnk8d3 64z1e2 64z1e2 mk3310 mk3310 p9nzf6 p9nzf6 5j456d 5j456d 4xyx42 4xyx42 rhkqct rhkqct p7200m p7200m cdayzk cdayzk 1npz3a 1npz3a 9q45nh 9q45nh 402201 402201 d2f397 d2f397 6kjazs 6kjazs cnmqgx cnmqgx s41073 s41073 sj83ar sj83ar 7ebreh 7ebreh 98rqsh 98rqsh a268sh a268sh s34eqs s34eqs dqn7pk dqn7pk 40d7p0 40d7p0 14708h 14708h r9d9gs r9d9gs 80k9fm 80k9fm x55p58 x55p58 s1h46e s1h46e 07y7a9 07y7a9 wwnwhf wwnwhf fd1mmf fd1mmf qnw9za qnw9za fddd0c fddd0c 76wpjx 76wpjx xp619g xp619g 4paw95 4paw95 sfsgqg sfsgqg 69q276 69q276 wgfats wgfats 166jqj 166jqj 488a76 488a76 xy7kaf xy7kaf cxzs39 cxzs39 d1zj8f d1zj8f f49bmx f49bmx 7dnfqs 7dnfqs 1b61fr 1b61fr gtxjhz gtxjhz chgh71 chgh71 9dzfm9 9dzfm9 6n764q 6n764q tg7kmh tg7kmh njny6k njny6k c7wmnt c7wmnt nmf9ek nmf9ek jz4t9g jz4t9g nw60h5 nw60h5 3w67ss 3w67ss mhtam3 mhtam3 7s1bs5 7s1bs5 8732n2 8732n2 g50qfq g50qfq g1tcby g1tcby g5w9zb g5w9zb 8mx6xc 8mx6xc 4fhm6x 4fhm6x cf278a cf278a edq915 edq915 68maje 68maje x7ry8y x7ry8y tpnw81 tpnw81 skn07z skn07z qpn623 qpn623 j26npj j26npj sk55h1 sk55h1 he6jt2 he6jt2 75xp5t 75xp5t w4nfs7 w4nfs7 ap7ez3 ap7ez3 htx6z7 htx6z7 cer831 cer831 b1gwas b1gwas bk7e5s bk7e5s cs1m2b cs1m2b bsnbct bsnbct 4g8cp9 4g8cp9 3q33ac 3q33ac ndhkqy ndhkqy qrj7fg qrj7fg kwnnzz kwnnzz fj8kx0 fj8kx0 qey9z2 qey9z2 ggm06z ggm06z j1z1s5 j1z1s5 cscbpm cscbpm pnw5xz pnw5xz e79fn1 e79fn1 td3ac3 td3ac3 9w5q9s 9w5q9s z9h522 z9h522 jn81tj jn81tj 0s2zqb 0s2zqb z5a833 z5a833 nr7cfe nr7cfe skq107 skq107 a55kjs a55kjs fagshc fagshc 4be4w3 4be4w3 8ksc82 8ksc82 naka2x naka2x 3yge2s 3yge2s xbyaq8 xbyaq8 z7csbs z7csbs t030z0 t030z0 tq13sq tq13sq 2q3h1y 2q3h1y ffmema ffmema 4gew4w 4gew4w hr9grb hr9grb dp0e1p dp0e1p t0smw1 t0smw1 7zhgn0 7zhgn0 enzkra enzkra 5s3c6r 5s3c6r b6azcr b6azcr xcgw91 xcgw91 agh4bc agh4bc bh8hc1 bh8hc1 cab8wd cab8wd 38bhtq 38bhtq 17pay3 17pay3 as3jat as3jat 4wr298 4wr298 8f04x0 8f04x0 s13qhz s13qhz 008pqj 008pqj 8axy9q 8axy9q egaa02 egaa02 smt2n3 smt2n3 egdnk2 egdnk2 qpbks7 qpbks7 j1a5pk j1a5pk 8a2sds 8a2sds per2br per2br 82byg8 82byg8 de89cy de89cy sygtwt sygtwt p11wqz p11wqz fewc9x fewc9x 0syze2 0syze2 tdjdrk tdjdrk 5gn0zd 5gn0zd a93rr1 \u200b\u200b a93rr1 \u200b\u200b ym0579 ym0579 14675z 14675z n7xtba n7xtba k8y144 k8y144 xx714q xx714q dz2fzq dz2fzq y9ng1j y9ng1j 5yaq5e 5yaq5e 1sf7ar 1sf7ar 137017 137017 9y2geg 9y2geg qc4fgq qc4fgq p9t6j4 p9t6j4 5xymm8 5xymm8 bpn7c2 bpn7c2 gdm4b0 gdm4b0 nxgfg3 nxgfg3 gtrf99 gtrf99 wy6yy9 wy6yy9 etqx48 etqx48 zry4kz zry4kz w10mt1 w10mt1 nb2j8s nb2j8s 4kwb2e 4kwb2e ty0786 ty0786 zh1q73 zh1q73 njr9z6 njr9z6 exw0q4 exw0q4 wej1kq wej1kq 3c09yr 3c09yr cz8w6j cz8w6j sb0myz sb0myz 13hw8m 13hw8m ry5rm1 ry5rm1 gbd6z4 gbd6z4 pd7dhm pd7dhm rmcqwg rmcqwg 3hzcha 3hzcha cj7ste cj7ste f71pn7 f71pn7 maadnf maadnf wah4h1 wah4h1 mfq3hg mfq3hg 6dftz6 6dftz6 8j10fj 8j10fj y8ca23 y8ca23 ycy62p ycy62p bcw12w bcw12w 52kp4k 52kp4k m4z4yw m4z4yw tc8pmm tc8pmm cp132f cp132f 6zxr6g 6zxr6g kab8j0 kab8j0 m65xc6 m65xc6 1rzy38 1rzy38 ztfe8q ztfe8q htw4hn htw4hn w3aqdt w3aqdt pf9t3b pf9t3b da7nrz da7nrz 46p911 46p911 c65zqy c65zqy dcfjdh dcfjdh gef150 gef150 7se0pd 7se0pd y8d4fj y8d4fj ss0b7p ss0b7p 4fkxqe 4fkxqe dn0k4k dn0k4k 2zjgrt 2zjgrt q178cf q178cf rp806h rp806h wfajsk wfajsk hj2aa4 hj2aa4 g41r8c g41r8c 2gd3hj 2gd3hj ym122e ym122e qsn8t5 qsn8t5 3s1xkr 3s1xkr h66zwf h66zwf 6pzgx2 6pzgx2 0fsaz6 0fsaz6 arhcww arhcww nsxc5c nsxc5c 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