Sunday, December 27, 2009

Low Cut Old Wrestling Singlets

die letzte weihnachtsfeier für 2010 - geschafft!

Ein kleiner Nachschlag zu den Feierlichekeiten für dieses und ja, sicherlich auch ein Ausblick auf die im nächsten Jahr vom großartigen Berliner Zeitungs-Kolumnisten Thadeusz (Vorname: Jörg):

"Soso, Jörg", Jesus würde streng klingen, "aus Anlass meines Geburtstages hast du schwer gegessen, unzählige Näpfe Rotwein emptied and then danced to songs from wicked. From your stammering after two clock in the morning should be heard vows of love your fellow. "

more of it ...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Posterior Tendonitis Physical Therapy

der unerhörte bundespräsident: und sein x-ter appell an die finanzbranche

has Time and again, the Federal President Köhler Hort sit up in recent months. He repeatedly criticized the financial industry and even the politicians - most recently with the appointment of the new federal government and over again his word is apparently unheard of, especially the CDU and FDP

Now he has done again .. In his Christmas message called for the former bank president foresight and sustainability: "It's about a policy that thinks and acts beyond the day. "It was necessary to an understanding" that money should serve the people and they should not dominate. "

One might almost think he would have noted that even one of the major political and social adjustment screws .'s monetary system Too bad that he seems in his party and the coalition partners even listen no Or will he be heard not there, but only public preaching sustainability, so that others can run alone the opposite

is.? show soon, because signing of the Federal President must end all federal laws - including those such as the Growth Acceleration Act which should not be the last that has to do with vision and sustainability to little or nothing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Are Bottom Of Cookies Burned

demokra... und daten... was?

Yes, it's been a few days ago, but that does not make it better - especially because we own the self-proclaimed civil rights party (FDP also called) is not before been able to maintain!

handles the data it today so not too well, no matter whether for telecommunications companies or government agencies - including working with business and anti-terrorism! After the diver measured data breakdowns and administrative supervision for this madness, there is now another inglorious example, especially a lesson in democracy that the Berlin Newspaper 1 December described. .
"In Europe, the audience these days witnessing a particularly brazen hypocrisy morning comes after a long struggle of the EU's Lisbon reform treaty in force, he aims to make Europe more effective, transparent and democratic -.. Including by strengthening the European Parliament yesterday However, the EU member states once again made it clear that their transparency and democracy really are suspect. In Brussels, beckoned by the Home Secretary the controversial agreement on bank data exchange with the United States. This happened a few hours before the EU Parliament, thanks to the Lisbon agreement had the full say in this matter would have. " Germany's Interior Minister
de Maiziere (CDU) abstained from voting on the SWIFT agreement and thus cleared the way. The Liberals have gemosert a little, but there simply are more important than their talk of yesterday: the possible punishment for the million slush fund from the Möllemann era for example. Perhaps Merkel them because recommend an experienced consultant .