Friday, September 18, 2009

Ribbon Color For Gallbladder Cancer

Schön,....schaurig schöne neue Welt... Augearth

I got from a friend just sent a link that led to a Youtube account:

"Augmenting Aerial Earth Maps with Dynamic Information:
To appear in IEEE ISMAR (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality), 2009, Orlando, Florida USA:
Using crowd-casted videos, we generate a dynamic alive city in Augmented Virtual Earth maps
-More info:. ... "

to look at Toll. The new technique is called "Augearth. Live cameras are fed into the card and generate in a computer game, the real-time view in 3-D. Not only zoom, but also turns in all directions is possible, for example, flying over a football stadium during a game - you can see all the players ... the technology at first glance excited ...!!!

Anyone who has been with "Goole Earth" has searched destinations or "zoom in" on my own has its own neighborhood, you know how impressive this technology is only just ... and how scary real! Not without reason was banned in the U.S. that people are visible / recognizable in the pictures may. To my knowledge, the "maximum zoom distances in Europe are not handled as strictly as in the United States. Would also not a problem, since the armed values \u200b\u200bin the abuse case is not in the millions subject, so expect that in the event of a recognizable figure Google has no recourse payments in six figures would have ... (as is but would certainly be in the U.S. case) .

shudder And that is why it amazed me after the first ...." Augearth "shows three-dimensional maps that are fed by live video. The effect is great however, shows the possibility of a "real-time monitoring in 3-D".

... dynamic maps via live video feed! Brave new world ... It will probably be in the future, no more privacy.


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